10 to 12 pounds to lose and menopause is slowing it down

:yawn: I'm 53 and menopausal....I'm exercising but the pounds are not coming off. I signed up today and hope that tracking what I eat and my daily activity the pounds will start to come off. I've never had a problem with weight gain until now...Anyone else fighting the menopause beast?


  • Hi!
    I'm in the same boat. Unfortunately I'm looking at more like 30 to 40 pounds. I have worked out like a beast, tried every diet out there and nothing seems to get the weight off. It's so discouraging. I've been told that eating all the processed white flour foods and sugar are killer on our menopausal systems. Unfortunately they are so yummy! I also was told by my doctor to make sure I'm getting enough calcium and vitamin D3. Just started the supplements, so I'm not sure if they help or not. In the meantime I guess cutting back on the bad carbs and exercising is our best bet. I know we're not alone, so hang in there! Good luck!:smile:
  • Oh.My.Gosh.

    This is just so hard!! I'm almost 48 and perimenopausal. The symptoms started 2 years ago. I eat around 1200 cals and exercise pretty regularly. The weight is just not coming off. And now, I have belly fat, which I never had in my life. I've always been at a healthy weight, and always pretty active. This just sucks, and nothing seems to help. If you guys get any resolution, please share! Good luck.
  • Cinflo58
    Cinflo58 Posts: 326 Member
    Thanks for this post! When I wnet through menopause I gained 10 lbs and started eating like a pig and was not exercising. I watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (on Netflix) did a juice fast and LOST MY CRAVINGS FOR BAD CARBS!! I also stopped drinking coffee. After losing 20 lbs, I am now eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and logging everything I eat and all exercise.
    So my point is - it's hard but you can do it!
  • I feel your pain!! I'm 51 and have never had a weight issue until a few years ago when the hormones started going whacky :(

    I have been doing this since the day after new years and have been very good, I love the accountablity of the food diary...keeps me from eating my kids pizza crust, etc without even thinking about it. But, like you it is very frustrating at the slow progress due to the darn hormones, my early 40 something friends seen to lose so much quicker! I have decided not to concern or obsess over my weight but to track the inches lost and how I look and feel in my clothes. Especially if you are working out the muscle weighs more than fat so you may even gain weight but lose fat....hopefully that nasty peri-menepausal or menepausal belly fat!

    Hang in there, or as my husband says (and I tell myself often), "endevour to persevere!"