New here

Hi there,

I have had the MFP app on my phone for quite some time now and haven't really committed to using it for a few reasons- however, I think it is time to hop back on the weight loss/control bandwagon and thought joining the MFP community might be helpful :)

My dh and I own a candy we are surrounded by temptation every day. We eat generally healthy- actually before having the candy store we were pretty strict clean least our version of clean eating- whole grains, minimally get the we have less time for exercise and are surrounded by delicious temptation everyday and have lost the ability to be moderate with our sugar :)

I'd like to lose 30 would put me back to my pre-pregnancy weight, which was also my pre-candy store weight :) I love making candy and I love having the store...I just need to get myself back in control of how much of it I am indulging in each day/week.

I look forward to getting to know some of you!