Hi guys,I'm new!:)

Hi there!
It's the first time I'm participating actively on the community of MyFitnessPal.
Feel free to add me as a friend!
Hablo espanol y portugués.I'm good at cooking light...and If you feel discouraged I can help you out!!!
Excuse any typos,as english is my second language....(I'm trying to make it first.....here in Miami is not easy with the spanglish though...lol)


  • elizab2009
    elizab2009 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm new as of today too :) Nice to meet you and good luck on your weightless/control journey!
  • LaCalaca
    Thank you!!! I added you as a friend.I log in mostly everyday..:)
    If you need help I'll be around! :)
  • lolocain
    lolocain Posts: 5 Member
    I just joined yesterday....I have a feeling this is going to be great. Is it just me or does it seem like the calories they allow is kinda high?
  • LaCalaca
    Well...good for you if you find that their allowance in calories is high...because I go crazy everyday counting calories to meet 1200....I do 3 meals a day, 400 calories each...:) And I'm still a little hungry,but hey,I'll do anything to get in my skinny skinny jeans...!! Good luck,if you need support,I'm here! :D
  • ghettoluvly777
    ghettoluvly777 Posts: 7 Member
    Im new if your looking for motivation add me if your looking to give motivation add me
  • Ginger1436
    Hi. I am new here too. Good luck with your weight loss goals.