Switching from P90X to Insanity while injury heals...

Thanks again to everyone who gave me feedback on my injury. It was all so helpful and supportive!

I've decided to switch from doing P90X to Insanity while my arm continues to heal. It's doing much better, but I'm nervous about adding weights back into the routine already.

Wow, Insanity really kicks my butt! That is an insane cardio workout. I actually think it's harder for me than the P90X was.

Unfortunately, I have to take the rest of the week off, because I'm having a biopsy on my cervix today. But as soon as I'm better, I will be right back at it!

It will be interesting to see what I weigh at the doctors office today...It's been two weeks since I started intensely exercising for about one hour a day, six days a week and really watching what I eat. I hope I've at least lost a couple of pounds!


  • TanRobins
    TanRobins Posts: 44
    Just started Insanity on Sunday and even the Fit Test is a hardcore work out. Great cardo, but you will be using your full body. Not sure what you injury is but there are workouts that do involve the arms (push ups, planks, etc.) but it is a great work out.

    Good luck to you.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I agree with TanRobins, that the insanity series is very hard core and you use your upper body in ALLLL those push ups. I know it was a little hard on my shoulders! Come join the Insanity (part 4) thread started by ripley, it is a very fun and encouraging group with some BeachBody coaches (maker of P90X & Insanity). There is new people joining quite regularly! I did this series last fall, I incorporate in my P90X workouts on the cardio days and in April a group of us are going to restart the series from the beginning! Hope to see ya on the thread along with all the other insane fitnatics!