Balanced Diet?

Hello! I am new to this and have been really struggling to hit my nutritional goals. If I eat too healthy I am not getting enough calories. If I get enough calories I am way over on my Nutritional Goals. I would really like to lose at least 15 pounds of baby weight I have put on in the last four years since having two kids. I am still nursing my seven month old daughter so I have to I'm getting enough which is why I really like this program. I have an open diary and now that I have a week of data I would like it if someone could offer some advice to me. I am trying to exercise a lot because I really would like to get back into a bikini for out vacation in March! I am also lost on where I should have my Nutritional Goals set for my lifestyle. I am 27, have a desk job but typically exercise at lunch, and have two babies at home I am chasing or carrying around. Thanks in advance for any advice to help me on my journey! :smile: