elliptical or a bike?

looking to add something new to start working out with to add to my 30 day shred and tredmill i do also have an gym system thing but i have yet to use it i really need to but besides all that would i burn more calories with a bike or an elliptical .. looking on some opinions


  • ycortinas
    ycortinas Posts: 7 Member
    In my opinion, an elliptical takes more endurance and you get an overall workout because you are standing and using more muscles, such as your arms, legs and your heart, therefore burning more calories. In a stationary bike you sitting down using mainly your legs. if you are looking to burn more calories, I recommend the elliptical.

    The stationary bike is great when just starting out and puts less stress on your joints. It's also great as a warmup.
  • mandiam
    mandiam Posts: 109
    i suggest doing what you enjoy. I don't completely agree with ycortinas that the elliptical uses more muscles than the bike though.

    I race bicycles and sometimes train on spin bikes at the gym during the winter---I burn 500calories in 45 minutes on the spin bike...and i can't even get near that on an ellipitcal (i use HR monitor--not the machine's calculations)--maxing heartrate around 180 doing invervals and such.

    It all comes down to doing what you enjoy. I enjoy my legs getting defined on the bike. I absolutely use my arms and core on the bike too.

    That being said, I am sure someone can say the same for the elliptical-- but not for me. Honestly, I use the elliptical when it's my time of the month...lol i consider it easy and my HR stays around 130-140 no matter how hard I make the resistance.

    ycortinas-- in no way was i bashing your post--just giving my opinion. PS that cake in your propic looks AMAZING!

    and good luck to the OP! If you want to chat more about it you can PM me :)
  • nbulger
    nbulger Posts: 12
    I like the elliptical better as its easier on my knees. I find that in a 30 min session I burn about 250 cal on the elliptical and only about 150 on the bike. Other people at the gym have told me that they like the bikes and spin classes better, it may just come down to personal preferences. The best workout for me though was the row machine, I burn about 100 cal in 10 min and its a tough workout, I have to take a break after 10 min and feel the results the next day, while with the bike and stair stepper and elliptical I usually don't.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member

  • SueSurwell
    SueSurwell Posts: 6 Member
    The elliptical will work more muscles and burn more calories. Most elliptical you are moving your arms too so it is a good cardio work out as well. Gets you pulse up much faster.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    The elliptical does indeed engage more muscles even if you don't use your arms. Since you're standing, your legs are forced to not only work to move the pedals but also must support your body. Stabilizers in your legs and abs have to kick in for balance as well. Due to the seated nature of even an upright bike, you are spurting less weight and have do not have the same level of balance requirements. If you take a look at any calorie calculators out there (including those built into the bikes/ellipticals themselves) you'll find that they all use a higher level of effort factor (calculate higher calories burned) more an elliptical versus a bike.
  • i've found that an elliptical burns more calories than the bike does(stationary, at least) and almost by double. I make sure i burn at least 100 calories on each in my daily workouts-just enough to make me sweat and my legs burn (:
  • thank you everyone! i think i should go with the elliptical and borrow my mothers bike! so i dont need to buy one that sounds like the best plan!