13 months on MFP....PICS!!

Well almost the 26th will be exactly but for my one year I was sick and wasn't able to post and then everything else got in the way anyway here I am....

I started MFP Dec. 2011..... I wanted to lose 10-15lbs.... I'm still aiming for that too. I lost one jean size while on here but no real weight loss until I got sick this past Christmas. I guess I'm making this to show myself some more motivation to keep going b/c I haven't had such a great success and to show others as well that even if it takes longer than a year never give up on your dreams or goals. I still struggle daily with over eating and not consuming the right things. I'm better than I was but not 100% there.

I am 5'4" and 25 yrs. old, I have 4 children, I have had three pregnancies. I have went through a divorce and remarried. I will celebrate my 3 yr anniversary with my now husband this coming March....sometimes it feels longer but its only b/c I have known him before. Before starting mfp but after my last pregnancy I weighed in at 182lbs this was in 2010....I was so upset at myself for looking so rough in my wedding pictures and honeymoon pictures..... I became severely depressed and just all around hated everything about my body. There was nothing that I liked about me. My husband and I decided something needed to be done. He swore he loved me for me but I wasn't happy with me so it put a strain on our marriage sexually. A friend of mine took adipex and she told me to give it a try. So I went and got prescribed for it and took two months of it. I went from 182 to 155lb in three months time. I dropped another 12lbs on my own after I got off the meds. I have changed a ton of my eating habits and added exercise to my daily life. Its been 2 years since I have been on adipex. I haven't gained anything back from it and I'm happy that I took it. I know some people don't agree with it or believe in it or some will even say how you will gain it back and then some. I'm not a spokesperson for it nor will I flaunt the fact that I took it. I'm also not saying to go out and get prescribed for it, this is just my own story and I want to be honest.

Fast forward to now...its true they say that the last 10lbs are the hardest to get rid of. I have been working on this for almost two years alone. I will get there and i won't give up and when i do finally get my "goal" body I'll post updated pics but for now....here is what I have....

Before: my last pregnancy...surprise TWINS!!! I was 225lb..this was the night before I had my c-section.

my wedding: 4months PP 182lbs

One month before starting adipex...176lb

about 15 months after adipex and the last day of insanity! 145lbs

5 months after my first round of insanity..... the swim suit I'm hoping to rock this summer...142lb

taken last friday....date night with my hubby. weight 138lb

size "6" jeans I'm hoping to fit into more comfortably after Turbo Fire!

I hope I don't get blasted for posting but this is a weight loss site. It doesn't say "all natural" weight loss.... anyway. Hope you enjoy and I also hope everyone that reads this will meet their ultimate goals as I'm hoping too!


  • shak29
    shak29 Posts: 114 Member
    Congrats on your progress! You came a long way and look fabulous! Keep it up.
  • calroseangelo
    YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION!! Thank you for sharing your story! You look fantastic! Congratulations!! :happy:
  • taybh92
    Way to go girl, I know someone who has done a similar transformation and now competes in fitness competitions!! Checkher out on facebook. Kim Sanders Wbff Hopeful (Bonds) She also does Kim Possible fitness!!!
  • VTLois
    VTLois Posts: 49
    You have done great. I am still fighting my twin babies weight...after 34 years!!
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Thanks guys :). Im really hoping my mid section tightens up more then it is but I also know that loose skin can only go so far haha.
  • Sandylovesm
    Sandylovesm Posts: 242 Member
    Don't apologize about the way you lost weight! There are different ways to do it and you've been very honest! Even if everything is not natural, you exercised a lot, you controlled your food, we all know that it's very difficult and I hope you're very proud of yourself. I guess you will rock this summer in your new swim suit! Congrats, you look amazing! :)
  • shoniej
    shoniej Posts: 227 Member
    YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! Fabulous work hun!! Love seeing your progress! :)
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you thank you!!! I so cant wait to post my 30 day progress and so on with Turbo Fire. Once I have completed the challenge Im thinking of adding hip hop abs to it! My goal also is to tan for the summer too hahaha! If my Irish/german blood will allow it!
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    You look absolutely fantastic!!! And you at a good weight too right now.. Good luck with your Turbo Fire. You have got it in the bag :)
  • daydream_believer
    incredible transformation! you look stunning. such an accomplishment. keep up the good work! :)
  • dawnreid2012
    dawnreid2012 Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks guys :). Im really hoping my mid section tightens up more then it is but I also know that loose skin can only go so far haha.

    I know Ill have the problem with the loose skin too because i have been pregnant 6 times (lost 2 due to miscarriage) and have had 4 full term pregnancies with gaining 60 to 70 pounds.. But hey its nothing to be ashamed of..
  • imolly80
    You done amazingly and only you know how much effort and pain you put into it, so a massive congratulations, you look amazing and you are an ispriation for us
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    O my gosh you have so much to be proud of!! You gave birth to beautiful children, have dealt with a failed marriage, are working on a successful marriage, and have successfully addressed one of life's most challenging personal problems (weight loss) so please do not beat yourself up. So you used a drug to help you in addressing this problem. So what. From your post it does not sound like you are addicted to this drug and or that you have any bad side effects so I would not worry about it. Sounds like you are a person that successfully achieves great things in this life. We are all proud of and inspired by you. Thank you for sharing.
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    Wow great job, you look amazing!
  • JonieB
    JonieB Posts: 67 Member
    You look fabulous!!
  • Ginger1436
    Awesome! Keep up the great work.
  • pili90
    pili90 Posts: 302 Member
    This is amazing, you look great!
    This is such an inspiration!
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    Great transformation
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Thank you everyone for all the congrats and encouraging words especially yours Larry! That really touched me. I appreciate them all :).... feel free to add me as well if you would like I could always use more motivation and I'm great at giving it as well :). Thanks again guys!

    Gerald my transformation isn't anywhere near as great as yours! You are a def inspiration!
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member
    Well almost the 26th will be exactly but for my one year I was sick and wasn't able to post and then everything else got in the way anyway here I am....

    I started MFP Dec. 2011..... I wanted to lose 10-15lbs.... I'm still aiming for that too. I lost one jean size while on here but no real weight loss until I got sick this past Christmas. I guess I'm making this to show myself some more motivation to keep going b/c I haven't had such a great success and to show others as well that even if it takes longer than a year never give up on your dreams or goals. I still struggle daily with over eating and not consuming the right things. I'm better than I was but not 100% there.

    I am 5'4" and 25 yrs. old, I have 4 children, I have had three pregnancies. I have went through a divorce and remarried. I will celebrate my 3 yr anniversary with my now husband this coming March....sometimes it feels longer but its only b/c I have known him before. Before starting mfp but after my last pregnancy I weighed in at 182lbs this was in 2010....I was so upset at myself for looking so rough in my wedding pictures and honeymoon pictures..... I became severely depressed and just all around hated everything about my body. There was nothing that I liked about me. My husband and I decided something needed to be done. He swore he loved me for me but I wasn't happy with me so it put a strain on our marriage sexually. A friend of mine took adipex and she told me to give it a try. So I went and got prescribed for it and took two months of it. I went from 182 to 155lb in three months time. I dropped another 12lbs on my own after I got off the meds. I have changed a ton of my eating habits and added exercise to my daily life. Its been 2 years since I have been on adipex. I haven't gained anything back from it and I'm happy that I took it. I know some people don't agree with it or believe in it or some will even say how you will gain it back and then some. I'm not a spokesperson for it nor will I flaunt the fact that I took it. I'm also not saying to go out and get prescribed for it, this is just my own story and I want to be honest.

    Fast forward to now...its true they say that the last 10lbs are the hardest to get rid of. I have been working on this for almost two years alone. I will get there and i won't give up and when i do finally get my "goal" body I'll post updated pics but for now....here is what I have....

    Before: my last pregnancy...surprise TWINS!!! I was 225lb..this was the night before I had my c-section.

    my wedding: 4months PP 182lbs

    One month before starting adipex...176lb

    about 15 months after adipex and the last day of insanity! 145lbs

    5 months after my first round of insanity..... the swim suit I'm hoping to rock this summer...142lb

    taken last friday....date night with my hubby. weight 138lb

    size "6" jeans I'm hoping to fit into more comfortably after Turbo Fire!

    I hope I don't get blasted for posting but this is a weight loss site. It doesn't say "all natural" weight loss.... anyway. Hope you enjoy and I also hope everyone that reads this will meet their ultimate goals as I'm hoping too!

    edited to fix the first pic!
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