Anyone here do Crossfit?



  • KellyL23
    KellyL23 Posts: 81 Member
    I do it several times a week, and have never been in better shape. They dont push you past what you are comfortable doing with correct form, and every exercise is scaleable.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    I typed Crossfit into yelp and then contacted the top rated facilities in my area. Every one of them offered a free first class.No matter the place, I loved the challenge they offered my body. Some places were run better than others, only one stood out as strangely exclusionary (not a great way to recruit a new customer).

    My wife went with me to all the try-outs. She liked the same one I decided to give a three-month commitment to. But she doesn't really like Crossfit in general, why I thought it pushed me more to my limits, she felt it took this aspect took much of the fun out of fitness. It really feels like personal preference on this one. Which makes some of the more extreme reactions seem odd to me. While I love it, I don't think it's for everyone, like any exercise. While everyone's entitled to their opinion, I find it weird when people advocate for any exercise that doesn't take this into account.

    This! My personal trainer offers crossfit classes at our gym. My 16 year old son and I love them. I am NOT in shape but I enjoy the challenge. I feel empowered when I flip a tractor tire! My trainer stays right with me whenever I am trying something new. He is one of the good ones!!
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    How lucky am I, in our box not only do we have, level 3 fitness instructors, we also have trained olly coaches! Then they are also CF certified.

    I love my CF it has got me so strong, what I like about my box is a coach is always looking and will spot a mistake and correct you the majority of the time. (unless you have a PT) In a gym, you do not get someone telling you, your technique is not right. BUT that is just my opinion/experience.

    I like having a personal trainer with me when training, CF to me is intense, but that is what I enjoy, I push myself as often as possible. I have learnt olympic lifting and am always learning how to improve my technique.

    I now go 5 times a week, then sometimes depending on how I trained in the week, 2 hours Sunday for technique.

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    OP, if you choose to do Crossfit, make sure you're going to a good's like anything else...there are good ones and bad ones. Make sure they have a good on ramp program of at least 2-3 weeks. It's not for everyone...I tried it and it's not my cup 'o tea...I was already in the military and I see no need to relive my boot camp training days, but some people really enjoy training that way.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    bla bla bla....complaints about crossfit....bla bla bla. I'm not an extreme athlete, in fact, I'm not extreme anything and I do crossfit. There are BAD boxes out there and trainers that don't teach correct form or push people beyond their limits, but I have not found that to be the case at my box. I do crossfit 2x a week and do stronglifts 3x a week. Best shape on my life. Give it a shot, see what you think and remember, NO ONE can push you to do something you think is unsafe...

    I don't crossfit, and it ain't for me, but the this is freaking funny!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    Maybe you should get a hold of this guy on the left?
  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    The gym I recently started going to for boot camp is a small, locally owned gym. The classes have several participants and are small enough that you get individual attention from the instructor if you need help with form and/or modifications.

    The price is $10 a class for drop ins, and you can come as a drop-in for as long as you want with no pressure to buy into a membership until you feel ready.

    That is much less expensive than Crossfit. So it's a good idea to shop around and find out what's available in your area before committing to a long term membership at ANY gym.

    The crossfit where I go is small enough that I also get personal, individual attention and my classes run me about $10/class with no long term committeemen. Huh, go figure. You've been bashing crossfit for a year on here...don't you have anything better to do?

    Crossfit is not for everyone. Running is not for everyone. Zumba is not for everyone. Not only that, people can get injured a number of different ways. I've hurt myself running, aerobics, boot camp. If you're interested in crossfit, try it and see if you like it. If you don't then move on and try something else. The key with exercise is to find something you can tolerate or even enjoy because then, you're more likely to stick with it.
  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    The gym I recently started going to for boot camp is a small, locally owned gym. The classes have several participants and are small enough that you get individual attention from the instructor if you need help with form and/or modifications.

    The price is $10 a class for drop ins, and you can come as a drop-in for as long as you want with no pressure to buy into a membership until you feel ready.

    That is much less expensive than Crossfit. So it's a good idea to shop around and find out what's available in your area before committing to a long term membership at ANY gym.

    The crossfit where I go is small enough that I also get personal, individual attention and my classes run me about $10/class with no long term committment. Huh, go figure. You've been bashing crossfit for a year on here...don't you have anything better to do?

    Crossfit is not for everyone. Running is not for everyone. Zumba is not for everyone. Not only that, people can get injured a number of different ways. I've hurt myself running, aerobics, boot camp. If you're interested in crossfit, try it and see if you like it. If you don't then move on and try something else. The key with exercise is to find something you can tolerate or even enjoy because then, you're more likely to stick with it.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I choose 2 WOD and do them on weekends lol
  • nikbolok
    nikbolok Posts: 107 Member
    bla bla bla....complaints about crossfit....bla bla bla. I'm not an extreme athlete, in fact, I'm not extreme anything and I do crossfit. There are BAD boxes out there and trainers that don't teach correct form or push people beyond their limits, but I have not found that to be the case at my box. I do crossfit 2x a week and do stronglifts 3x a week. Best shape on my life. Give it a shot, see what you think and remember, NO ONE can push you to do something you think is unsafe...

    Thank you and EXACTLY! My box is awesome and not all that different from bootcamp style classes I've been to where they push you in a certain amount of time as well. For every bad box, there's a bad personal trainer or a bad gym. Crossfit isn't for everyone just like running isn't for everyone or heavy lifting isn't for everyone.

    If you're interested, try it and ignore the naysayers. Listen to your body and if something doesn't feel right, don't do it or scale. My box is AWESOME about scaling workouts and making sure we are lifting correctly.

    Also, not every personal trainer out there has a background in sport science so don't discount crossfit just because of that. :rolleyes:

    Thank you thank you! My box is great, trainers are not only certified level 1 but they are also Oly lifting certified or applying for it. I see a lot of people saying the routines are too extreme, but you can modify ANYTHING to what you can do and still achieve results and improve.

    Yeah, I spent a LOT on personal trainers at my gyms, and I find more pleasure and comfort in going to my box and WOD'ing. I'm definitely not an elite athlete, nor have I injured myself AT ALL in the almost 4 months I have been there.

    It does all depend on your box, that's why I travel 13 miles to mine on recommendation. There's one a couple miles away that's supposed to be good, but mine is small and friendly - it's like a second family!

    Try it you may like it :)
  • shaywallis
    shaywallis Posts: 165 Member
    I had no idea how many people were so "anti-crossfit" Crossfit is not "extreme". My goodness, I've been pregnant 4 years in a row, my youngest was born 5 months ago and I do crossfit 5 times a week. My coach is awesome and takes time with each and every person to work on form and technique. Everything can be scaled down to your specific level. Earlier this week we did a WOD where we had to do 5 rounds of 3x deadlifts and some other things. I did the first two rounds with 95# deadlift. After that I asked for him to lower the weight because I knew my form was going to get sloppy. I knew those two rounds were my limit. Ive even had them ask me in the middle of a WOD if I wanted to just stop there and be done for the day. No one can push you past what you are capable of. They encourage you but they don force you.

    With that said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my CF box!!! Everyone is uplifting and great to be around. I love the sense of community with CF. Like everyone has said, look around to find a good box. All of them have different pricing. The one I go to is $100/mo. If I was to do personal training sessions 5 times a week like I'm going now, that would be $200 a month!! In my eyes CF is cheap compared to paying for a personal trainer.
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I had no idea how many people were so "anti-crossfit" Crossfit is not "extreme". My goodness, I've been pregnant 4 years in a row, my youngest was born 5 months ago and I do crossfit 5 times a week. My coach is awesome and takes time with each and every person to work on form and technique. Everything can be scaled down to your specific level. Earlier this week we did a WOD where we had to do 5 rounds of 3x deadlifts and some other things. I did the first two rounds with 95# deadlift. After that I asked for him to lower the weight because I knew my form was going to get sloppy. I knew those two rounds were my limit. Ive even had them ask me in the middle of a WOD if I wanted to just stop there and be done for the day. No one can push you past what you are capable of. They encourage you but they don force you.

    With that said, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my CF box!!! Everyone is uplifting and great to be around. I love the sense of community with CF. Like everyone has said, look around to find a good box. All of them have different pricing. The one I go to is $100/mo. If I was to do personal training sessions 5 times a week like I'm going now, that would be $200 a month!! In my eyes CF is cheap compared to paying for a personal trainer.

    This thread is tame. There are some CF threads that get down right nasty about it. There are many big time haters. I've seen several CF threads that had to get locked down because they get so heated. You have no idea. Lol.
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    I, personally, love my Crossfit. I'm not really "extreme" anything. I'm 5'1 and kind of squishy around the midsection. I did crossfit for almost a year while back, and loved every day of it. Then I moved, and had a really hard time finding a good place to go or good people to surround me.

    Now I'm deployed and there's actually a gym at this location that is dedicated to crossfit--Perks of being here include free crossfit with professional, certified instructors who also happen to be in the military, and are willing to put in the one-on-one time with anyone who wants it. I've did it for two months before a physical issue made me unable to go to the gym for a few weeks--And I hate being away from it.

    It IS intense, but I love the intensity. I love really sweating. I love the endorphin rush that come from really pushing myself. I love finding my limits--And then smashing through them and getting better. I suffer from insomnia and migraines--And the crossfit helps me with both. I haven't had a migraine since I started working out like this again. I love the balance that it gives me through the rest of the day.

    I don't know how much scientific foundation this has, but I -feel- like it jump-starts my metabolism when I do it first thing in the morning. It's also great for stress relief--I can look at the bar, or whatever, and tell it that it will not defeat me. Make it a metaphor for anything else that is holding me back, and it keeps me going.

    As I said, I'm not extreme. I need one-on-one help. I need help with new exercises (or ones I haven't done in a while) and I need to be shown the proper form sometimes. A couple weeks ago, we spent an entire hour just working on getting the form right. I've got the arms of a girl. But this makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, and I can feel myself getting stronger when I do it regularly.

    Just my thoughts on the subject.
  • HelloDan
    HelloDan Posts: 712 Member
    It's just circuit training, but glorified with a lot of publicity and backing behind it, making it popular. However, just like any gym or trainer, there are good and bad crossfit boxes out there. It's up to the trainee to make sure they pick a good one, although for complete rookies, obviously this is not easy, as they have no basic training knowledge.

    Personally it's not for me, but if it gets more people into fitness and being healthy, it is a good thing in my book.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    My husband and I both do Crossfit. We love our box! The atmosphere is motivating and the athletes are all really skilled and strong. The people who run it watch each person individually and scale the workouts per their perspective capabilities... they seem to know exactly how much weight you need after watching your form.

    I'm currently in a full leg brace after a knee surgery, but I still go and do what I can (strict press, pullups, pushups, wall balls with no squat, kettlebells, rowing without legs, etc.) It has been a life saver considering I usually stick to long distance running and I haven't been able to run since October.

    Once I'm back on the road running, I'm going to incorporate at least three WODs into my weekly schedule. How awesome will it be to be strong AND fast?
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Unfortunately, Crossfit members can be very cult like in their devotion to the system.

    I don't think that's very healthy, and it's not something you have to deal with at the vast majority of non-Crossfit gyms.

    Come on Crossfit people, Crossfit workouts are just a bunch of random exercise routines some guy posted on a website. It's not the Holy Grail!
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    A good trainer can help you get in shape without needing to be associated with a Crossfit affiliate. They can tailor an exercise program especially for your needs. On the other hand, Crossfit routines are designed for athletes that are already extremely fit -- as no one that isn't in top shape can even hope to perform the extreme workouts without MAJOR modifications.

    While boot camp classes at non-Crossfit gyms can be good or not-so-good, depending on the coaching, at least they are not affiliated with an organization that has such an extreme view of fitness.

    I would suggest that anyone interested in a boot camp class ask to watch a class to see (1) the fitness level of participants (2) the coaching style (3) the types of exercises they have the class do. Most people like being in classes where they are somewhere near the middle of fitness levels. That way, you aren't at the bottom and struggling to catch up, and you aren't so close to the top that you have nothing to strive for.

    I guess it really depends on the trainer. My trainer tailors the workouts for each participant. He knows our weaknesses. He pushes my son to do the pull ups without a band. In the same workout, he tells me to do rows, not pull ups. He knows my ultimate goal is to be able to do a pull up but I am not there yet and he doesn't push me at all. He does encourage me to try and stays right beside me while I do. I enjoy the challenge and don't mind being "at the botton" because I know I am working my way up. It feels good to know he cares enough to pay attention to my weaknesses and help me work on them. We all started out making MAJOR modifications. No one was born an elite athlete. It takes hard work and determination.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    The point I've been trying to make about all this is there is NOTHING to be gained by joining Crossfit that you can't get in thousands of other gyms that are not using that brand name.

    There are good trainers and bad trainers, and for a trainer to have a Crossfit certification really means very little. It just means they paid a fee to the Crossfit organization and answered some questions in a way Crossfit approves. It says nothing about their coaching skill or their ability to know if they are pushing a client to exercise beyond what is safe for them.
  • LBNOakland
    LBNOakland Posts: 379 Member
    Unfortunately, Crossfit members can be very cult like in their devotion to the system.

    I don't think that's very healthy, and it's not something you have to deal with at the vast majority of non-Crossfit gyms.

    Come on Crossfit people, Crossfit workouts are just a bunch of random exercise routines some guy posted on a website. It's not the Holy Grail!

    Any exercise routine is random exercises some guy put together into a book or on a site. I am not cultic. I do other things, as well. I am certainly not going to bash anyone else's fitness choices unless it involves sitting on the couch, playing video games! LOL

    CrossFit mixes it up, makes it interesting and challenging. Right now, I am working with a trainer who incorporates CrossFit. But when our time is up or I cannot afford him, it will be nice to have a website to turn to if I am being too lazy to come up with my own routine. I need that. I get a mental block in the gym, if I don't have a routine written down ahead of time. :ohwell:
  • jenny031477
    jenny031477 Posts: 53 Member
    Unfortunately, Crossfit members can be very cult like in their devotion to the system.

    I don't think that's very healthy, and it's not something you have to deal with at the vast majority of non-Crossfit gyms.

    Come on Crossfit people, Crossfit workouts are just a bunch of random exercise routines some guy posted on a website. It's not the Holy Grail!

    Do you seriously have nothing better to do?

    Nobody said it's the Holy Grail. Those of us who do it, like it. There is also NOTHING to be gained by joining a gym if that's not something that is going to keep you coming back to workout. I HATE big box gyms. They're not for me but I'm certainly not going to bash them because they obviously work for a lot of people.

    We get it. You hate CrossFit and would never do it. Point taken so there's really no reason for you to keep coming back and bashing it.