
Hello! I love message boards and figured this would be another great way to keep myself motivated on my weight loss journey!

My background: In elementary and high school I was never a "fat kid" but never what one would call "skinny". I typically weighed around 150 and was/am 5'6.

I moved out of my parent's when I was a sophomore in college and that is pretty much when I packed on the weight. By the time I got engaged in 2004 I weighed in around 195. I joined LA Weight Loss and was able to get back down to around 150 by my wedding in 2006 but I then got pregnant a few months after getting married and gained a lot of weight. After the baby was born I never lost any of it and then I had another baby in 2009 and weighed even more after I had him.

I joined an herbalife weight loss challenge and was able to take off about 13 pounds (and did a few challenges but never could get down below about 193) Unfortunately that wasn't the end of my weight climb either as 2012 hit me with one stress after another (and it still continues...) Finally in August 2012 I hit my highest weight of 237.4 but I also hit the point I needed to actually really work at losing weight.

After my first weight loss challenge I was down +20lbs and my second weight loss challenge saw another +20lb loss (and put me under 200lbs, hooray!). Not too shabby considering I herniated a disc in my lower back three weeks into my first challenge!

I'm currently working on my third weight loss challenge and as of this week I am at the lowest I've been since I was pregnant with my first kid!

I use herbalife protein shakes along with following a diet of mostly whole foods and currently consume about 1200 calories a day. I do a spin class three times a week (let me tell you, the prospect of wearing lycra and riding a bike in front of a room composed of just men is HIGHLY motivating!!) and am thinking of doing a 30 Day Shred starting on February 1st (I'd start today if I didn't have to get stitches on Friday!)

Some progress pics:

