It is NOT that simple.



  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I don't think she was using skinny fat to insult body type, but to describe a skinny person's health being just as bad as an obese person's because they eat piles of **** wrapped in bacon...

    well yeah in that case it's true. eating a crappy diet is bad. most people don't use the term skinny fat to mean that. they use it to mean skinny, but not muscular. that's why i hate the term.

    I don't think anyone using that term means a skinny person that isn't muscular. I think you're letting your insecurities creep out about that phrase.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    Did you find that by cutting out processed foods you decreased your carb intake?

    Not necessarily, because at first I just switched out white for wheat, etc. I did, however, increase my protein to make it a 1:2 protein:carb ratio, rather than the 1:3 that it was previously. But when I did cut out processed at that point, I cut out trans fats, down on sodium, down on processed sugar (replaced with natural), down on dairy. It wasn't until I went gluten free (4 years after the initial weight loss) that I cut way down on carbs. That diet change allowed me to lose 30lb without even trying. I did no additional exercise other than being as active as I was before (hiking with kids, walks around the block, etc), but by going gluten free and cutting my carbs practically in half, I lost 30 lb in 3 months. Unfortunately, that was after gaining 20 during two pregnancies, so it only got me 10 under what I was at the initial weight loss.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I have seen so many people here quote the "calories in, calories out" mantra it's ridiculous.

    If that is true, please explain how I could be my heaviest while consuming only 1100 cals a day, and "suddenly" lost 60 lbs when I changed my diet to 1600-1800 cals of whole foods. It was the QUALITY of food that changed my health, not the QUANTITY. Not only that, but for overall HEALTH AND WELLNESS, there needs to be much more to it than simply BMI or BF%. There is such a thing as a "skinny fat" person--who may not be "obese" but is still extremely unhealthy. There are thin people who eat 2500 cals/day and obese people who eat 1000 cals/day.

    It is absolutely NOT as simple as cals in, cals out. It's much more complicated. Our bodies are so much more complex than that. I can't tell you how many times docs told me I should simply eat less to lose weight. Which is how I got down to 1100 cals/day... and 235lb. I met a trainer who told me to EAT, but to eat WELL, and SURPRISE!!! I lost weight. Go figure. Now, two children later, I'm trying to lose a little more. Not at my heaviest, by far, and even 10lb under what I weighed at high school graduation... but still not where I want to be. Point being, I have SEEN FOR MYSELF what "lower cals" can do, and what "more cals" can do. And I am here to tell you that QUALITY IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT THAN QUANTITY. You cannot be healthy when you eat fewer cals but all processed food; and you can be healthy by eating more cals of whole foods.

    Please stop perpetuating this lie. It's just not that simple.

    Um, stop overgeneralizing based on your own personal experiences. For some people it is that simple - for others, it's not.

    Umm, how about you stop generalizing about the CI/CO myth. It's not that simple. There are many doctors that call it the low fat myth as that is when "calorie counting" became popular.

    As my Endo has stated.........Physics (thermodynamics) has no place in human biochemistry. They aren't the same science and should not be treated as such.

    You are saying it is that simple that everyone is in perfect hormonal balance and such that weight loss should be that easy.

    Well, I have news for you. It is not.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    Wow..things that should be included from the beginning *smh* :grumble:
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.
  • freddykid
    freddykid Posts: 265 Member
    I wasted an hour reading this thread and all i got was this "Cals in < Cals out" shirt.
    I just want to sum up what happened to be sure I understand. No offense intended and please correct me if I am wrong.

    OP went in Starvation mode per directives from her doctor.
    OP got a trainer and upped calories at the same time switched to whole foods
    -then also added a day of exercise.
    -1600 cals = drop 60lbs
    OP reveals 8 pages in that has had a thyroid issue with several other health problems. (one of the mentioned exceptions)
    OP admits that simply or generically the CI/CO is true... but not for everyone.
    Overall health is not equal to weight loss goals.
    Something about a car or unleaded fuel. Here I got lost in the thread but this was important

    Dammit nothing new. Oh wait I need to check out the doctor selling his book on NPR.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.

    No one and no post I've ever seen belittles someone for having a condition or states that they are lying about their issues with a "program" based on their condition. But the people that have issues normally let others know their medical condition upfront. I am very confident that there has not been a post in which someone said this doesn't work and they have a medical condition and people belittled them for it. If so, would love to have that link because that will definitely be a first.

    If someone doesn't let others know about their condition, though, *coughs*..then others will question and try to figure out what's going on.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    As my Endo has stated.........Physics (thermodynamics) has no place in human biochemistry. They aren't the same science and should not be treated as such.

    I would have walked out on your endo. It IS the same science, it's that the way calories are calculated in foods is not how the body metabolises them. Your endo should have known that.

    How much weight have you lost using this method, by the way?
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.
    People were asking you for EIGHT pages whether or not you had a medical condition that affects the CI/CO equation.

    And it took you EIGHT pages to respond.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.
    People were asking you for EIGHT pages whether or not you had a medical condition that affects the CI/CO equation.

    And it took you EIGHT pages to respond.

    Wow, :grumble:
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.

    No one and no post I've ever seen belittles someone for having a condition or states that they are lying about their issues with a "program" based on their condition. But the people that have issues normally let others know their medical condition upfront. I am very confident that there has not been a post in which someone said this doesn't work and they have a medical condition and people belittled them for it. If so, would love to have that link because that will definitely be a first.

    If someone doesn't let others know about their condition, though, *coughs*..then others will question and try to figure out what's going on.

    But even in one thread I read where someone was just posting an article about why weight loss might be stalled, people started mocking and belittling. There was no need for that. I used an example of myself, yes, but that wasn't the main point. The point was 1) how people jump the gun and make generalizations, assuming everyone's metabolism is the same, 2) the broad advice of some, without boundaries or caveats/warnings can lead to a skewed vision of nutrition/health, 3) the overall condescending tone that many CICO pushers take on when anyone suggests "eat more organic" or "cut down on grains" or "take out dairy".

    My story was an example, but it wasn't the whole of what I was trying to point out. I was not asking for help or seeking advice. I know what's going on with me, and I didn't feel the need to explain everything, when that wasn't my point to begin with. I wasn't looking for people to explain my situation--I know all about my situation. I was looking more at how people react to anyone who says anything other than CICO. It had nothing to do with my actual story (except using it as an example of how that thinking can go the wrong way, and isn't always cut-and-dry), and everything to do with how people treat others on this forum. It has to do with people giving blanket statements about nutrition, without considering that there may be something else going on, or that there may be another way of losing weight. Sure, in most cases, CICO works in general terms... but that doesn't exclude any other method of losing weight, and it doesn't mean that if someone isn't losing while doing it, that they are doing it wrong or lying about their intake. It usually means there needs to be a change, and sometimes that change is the QUALITY of food, rather than the quantity. But no, the "only answer" is CICO, and nothing else can work outside of it... according to some...
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Wow....TRAIN-WRECK :laugh:
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.
    People were asking you for EIGHT pages whether or not you had a medical condition that affects the CI/CO equation.

    And it took you EIGHT pages to respond.

    I didn't see anyone ask that until page 7 or so... which again proves my point that a large number of people who responded didn't even consider any outside factors. The first 3-4 pages were mostly "You did it wrong" and "You were lying". Then there was that part about "skinny fat" and people explaining that 1100 was too little (yeah, that's kinda the point...). But I didn't see anyone actually ASK about other conditions until page 7ish.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    I made it four pages into this thread before I rage quit.

    I'll ruin the ending for you: on page EIGHT, we finally get the missing vital information that resolves the mystery for everyone. Sure, many foreshadowed the twist very early on in the thread, but even after dozens of posts from OP, it was PAGE EIGHT when she revealed a medical condition.

    And that's exactly my point. All the oversimplification of CICO doesn't account for those things, and they automatically assumed I was "doing it wrong". Rather than looking at outside factors, or considering the possibility that there is a "complication" to the weight loss, the knee-jerk reaction is to assume that someone is either lying or not doing something right, or that they "don't understand". The automatic reaction is to accuse and be condescending, rather than look to other possibilities.

    AHH!! NOW I find out there's a medical condition?! Honey, you could have saved yourself A LOT of trouble if you would have stated that before! lol I have PCOS as well....And its a B*TCH! Luckily you have figured out how to get it under control.

    As far as why everyone is jumping down your throat.....You clearly stated in the beginning that CICO was a lie and that people should stop spreading that lie. Right there, in that last statement you made in the OP, you told EVERYONE on here that CICO doesn't work. Well it does work, and its proven that it works, UNLESS A MEDICAL CONDITION IS PRESENT, which would have been helpful to know much earlier in the discussion.

    If you weren't so abrasive in your original post (and told everyone that believes in CICO that they're lying) your post may have been received a lot better. Just a tip for any future posts. :smile:
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    As my Endo has stated.........Physics (thermodynamics) has no place in human biochemistry. They aren't the same science and should not be treated as such.

    I would have walked out on your endo. It IS the same science, it's that the way calories are calculated in foods is not how the body metabolises them. Your endo should have known that.

    How much weight have you lost using this method, by the way?

    My Endo is a very well respected Metabolic Endocrinologist at Washington University in St Louis, MO. They are very well known for their research and he is a research Dr.

    He has helped me when no other Dr's have been able to do so. For the record, I have lost over a 100 pounds since being under his care.

    By the way............physics is not the same as human biochemistry, which makes the Calories In / Calories out theory incorrect and irrelevant.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,019 Member
    Wow....TRAIN-WRECK :laugh:

    [gif] [/gif]
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    Well, it doesn't work that way for everyone,

    Yes, it does (with the exclusion of medical issues)
    Otherwise anorexic people would be the epitome of health, no?

    No they wouldn't, because they don't eat and therefore are not getting their bodies the nutrients it needs.

    It does make me angry that when someone posts something that might be useful to someone pursing health, and when they post something that is different from the mainstream view of health/weight loss, then they get jumped on and called idiots

    disagreement =/= getting jumped on and called an idiot.
    because of course the answer is fewer cals...

    I'm not sure where you're looking but most people on here are trying to tell people they don't need to starve themselves and that they need to eat more. I think you are confusing a healthy calorie deficit with an extreme calorie deficit.

    Page 2
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505

    You are saying it is that simple that everyone is in perfect hormonal balance and such that weight loss should be that easy.

    Well, I have news for you. It is not.

    I'm not in perfect hormonal balance either. Hypothyroid and PCOS, middle aged perimenopausal female, which are the prime years to gain weight due to change of life transitions.

    Yet I'm over 47 lbs lighter than I was in the end of July, counting those useless calories, doing some senseless exercise, and watching my food portions needlessly. Can't even blame it on gluten free, because I gained most of my weight after going gluten free in 2002!
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    How long did you consume 1100 cals per day for and do you still have those tracking records?

    Roughly a year, possibly more. But it was mostly processed foods--just smaller quantities.

    Weightloss is magic

    what makes you think you were overweight at 1100 calories a day?

    Ummm... Being 235 lb. Am I understanding this question correctly? I was clinically obese and was only consuming 1100 cals a day. I increased my intake, but changed the quality of food, and lost 60 lb.

    I think it is more likely you did not track properly

    We need an eyeroll smiley.

    Yes, because it is so impossible for me to have only consumed 1100 cals and be nearly 100lb oveweight. It MUST be that I just didn't track properly. And the part about losing 60 lbs when adding cals... that was a fluke, right??

    Unless you have some medical issue, yes.

    Page 3