Protein Shakes: What do you think?

I apologize in advance for sounding a misinformed. :embarassed:

I believe that I do not get enough protein in my diet which may be contributing to my plateau, and very slow weight loss.

In the past, I consumed protein shakes (with water, not milk) which left me feeling nauseas. I know that protein shakes work best if they are sugar-free, low in calories, etc. and when taken after a workout. I also am aware that there should be a certain amount of grams taken through out the day.

Does anyone have any feedback/recommendations/tips/brands on the right use of protein shakes (and/or brands) that would be suitable for a 28/female.

Thanks in advance!


  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    1 - Don't be sorry, we're all here because we have questions. The more the better.
    2 - It only looks like on your profile that you've lost 4 pounds so I'm curious as to the plateau you're referring to.
    3 - As for the protein. I typically keep my protein up over 100 g a day. Usually around 125-150. I do this by using the EAS carb control shakes (110 calories, 17g of protein, 2 carbs) and I put protein powder in my smoothies - 2 scoops of the EAS whey protein (220 calories, 46g of protein, and not many carbs). I've gotten to where I mix my protein in one of those yoplait smoothies and it's REALLY yummy.
  • laina911
    laina911 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the feedback.

    I've been using MFP for the last 3-4 months. I only lost 2 pounds in the first 2 months, and now I'm down to 4 pounds lost, although I fluctuate 1-3 pounds everyday, averaging a 2 pound loss. It's incredibly frustrating!