Sick of the 'Just join a gym' comments



  • Sugs94
    Sugs94 Posts: 375 Member
    I do Kettlebells faithfully 3 x's a week most weeks. Have toned and feel good. That eating has gotten out of control again and despite toning, no weight loss. My instructor asked me about what was going in my mouth. When we talked nutrition he said 75% of my weight loss journey will be what I put in my mouth. So don't listen to them....start with eating and can add exercise when you can. And doesn't have to be at a gym either....can walk, run, do workout videos or join a gym if you do choose. Good luck!!!!
  • mapnerd2005
    You could just say, "no, thank you, I brought my lunch."

    End of story. You are right, joining a gym is not the only answer. I gained weight while working out every day because I wasn't paying attention to what I was eating. Now I'm back to lose that weight plus the rest of what I wanted to lose to begin with.
  • BohemianRockChick
    BohemianRockChick Posts: 11 Member
    I have no words of wisdom. People suck. *hugs*
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    They sound like Ph.D's in Broscience!

    As a general rule, I don't converse with non-MFP men about my diet and/or weight. They generally have no freaking clue what a realistic calorie goal is for a woman. They also have no clue how much harder I have to work to burn the same amount of calories that they do in the gym.
  • glitteringloke
    you can do a number of strength training exercises with stuff in your house. a quick google search for free strength training or strength training at home can show you.

    i use my wii, a resistance band and wrist/ankle weights. makes muscles i didn't know i had hurt, but good hurt :)
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    being in a caoric defecit while not resistance training is horrible for the metabolism... someone 50+ lbs overweight can get away with it but someone trying to shed 20-30lbs needs to do some sort of strength training while trying to lose body fat.

    Im more than 50lbs overweight...when I lose 10lbs I will look into it then.
    I do the walk from the next bus stop, run instead of walk up the office stairs, walk home from the shops type things but I would need some advise about resistance training, I don't own any weights and need help to know what to buy, how often to use etc so I don't just waste my money

    well first there are simple exercises that can be modified that u can do at home such as pushups, pullups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc all of that is resistance training and should be doing it to avoid muscle loss because the muscle tissue needs to be active or you will lose it on a defecit along with fat... and gym is an investment and so is hiring a trainer to atleast show you how to use the equipment so you dont injure your self.
  • hdsqrl
    hdsqrl Posts: 420 Member
    If these folks at work really are people you consider friends, perhaps you could approach them at a time when they're not discussing where to go to lunch, and let them know that you're going to be making an effort to improve your health, that you're planning your meals ahead of time, and that while you'd still love to go to lunch with them, it's better if you only go once a week, and if you can decide the day before where you'll go. That way you can work it into your plans, decide what you'll order ahead of time, etc. Ask them seriously for their help and support in this, and if they are indeed REAL friends, they'll understand this and hopefully even serve as bonus encouragement. :)

    I've done this with my coworkers and they still invite me to lunches, but if I say I've brought something, they nod and go on without me, no hassle at all. That said, every Thursday, I have a standing lunch with a couple of them, and we go to the same place each week, so I can decide ahead of time what I want to order that day - no falling off track at all! :flowerforyou:
  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Yeah I've found that telling people I count calories has 1 or more of these reactions
    1. Confusion
    2. telling me "you don't need to diet!"
    3. "oh come on, it's just a _______!"
    4. Angry at me for ruining their good time by bringing up calories
    5. Telling me how they used to count calories and it never worked
    6. Laughing with everyone else about how they don't worry about silly things like dieting

    And it's always a time-waster and it always ends up with people thinking you are obsessive/anorexic/etc.

    so although it's SO annoying, I agree with everyone else. It's best to just make something up that they can't respond to/argue with.

    hahaha.. I could have written this.
    In August of last year I told my sister I was doing this 'diet' (though I told her I was changing my life style) and counting calories. She went on and on about how she tried, but her body doesn't work that way and she never lost a pound.. etc. etc (This is a girl that loves pizza so much she eats it every day for lunch). This Christmas, she asked me "Oh my goodness, whats your secret? How are you losing weight?" and I told her counting calories, to which she replied.. "oh.. I guess maybe I should try again." (Then promptly ignored my showing her MFP, and offering to show her my low-cal pizza alternative..)
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    just leave it at, you brought your own lunch and politely decline. no need to go into details with people
  • iowachapman
    iowachapman Posts: 38 Member
    I see it already, you actually are listening and or paying way to much attention to what others think of you and your thoughts etc. The reason you said you do not go tot he gym is because you are a bit self concious. The main thing is you need to just do what you need to do for you and not worry about what everyone is trying to tell you how to do it. Opinions are just like the back side we sit on, everyone has one.

    Personally I recommend to folks to start with just one area and get in the habbit of doing it, and then add on additional tasks / goals once you have the first one down well. I started going to the Y back in 2009 and told myself I just need to get in the habbit of going.. and here I am 2013 still go 3/4 days a week for 1 to 1.5 hours a day.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    being in a caoric defecit while not resistance training is horrible for the metabolism... someone 50+ lbs overweight can get away with it but someone trying to shed 20-30lbs needs to do some sort of strength training while trying to lose body fat.

    Im more than 50lbs overweight...when I lose 10lbs I will look into it then.
    I do the walk from the next bus stop, run instead of walk up the office stairs, walk home from the shops type things but I would need some advise about resistance training, I don't own any weights and need help to know what to buy, how often to use etc so I don't just waste my money

    Look for the free videos of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred on YouTube. You need handweights but it is fine to start off with a couple of tins of beans as weights. Also a good idea to wear some cushioned trainers/running shoes as you will be doing some jumping. It only takes 25 minutes - start with three times a week (a rest day between each - a lot of people do it every day but it can be hard on your knees if you are new to it).

    It's a straightforward circuit training routine - cardio, strength and abs. I find it's best to do it first thing - just get up, have a glass of water and get to it. You can then jump in the shower and get ready and go to work. All it takes is getting up half an hour earlier than usual and you will feel full of energy all day.

    And, no, I don't go to a gym but have been a member of several in the past. I could never stick to it, wasted a lot of money and I'm getting way better results now doing running (the C25K programme is great to get you started) and handweights at home.
  • KathyPBiles
    KathyPBiles Posts: 292 Member
    You are doing what you feel is best for you, that is all that matters. As far as exercise, you can do that without ever stepping into a "gym". You keep doing what you are doing - you got this!
  • DaSavedSinner
    DaSavedSinner Posts: 211 Member
    2 words....XBOX...Kinect
  • mary_kate23
    Ill tell you their routine at the gym.
    Day 1: Chest/biceps

  • AmandaReimer1
    AmandaReimer1 Posts: 235 Member
    I second what people are saying about working out at home. I'm currently doing 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels and zumba for wii.
    Tell your co-workers your saving extra money for a trip, or a nice purse or something. But really, your savings money for new clothes!
  • KathrynCatlady
    KathrynCatlady Posts: 86 Member
  • KathrynCatlady
    KathrynCatlady Posts: 86 Member
    Never volunteer the info that you are calorie counting, on a diet, whatever. All you needed to say was, "I bought my lunch." If they want to start a discussion, point out that they don't get to decide and you don't have to explain. It's called a personal life because it's personal.

    Precisely what I was thinking. I tell very few people that I am dieting. Just graciously say No Thanks, and move on. I think there's never a time that people try to shove food down your throat MORE than when they know you're watching what you eat.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Why do you feel you owe them any explantion? It's none of their business and the questioning is inappropriate. Why do you struggle to just draw an appropriate boundary and tell them " thanks for the input but I've got my plan and I'm good"?
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    The coworker stuff really can be the worst. I didn't bring it up til people started asking. So I tell them - I count calories and I work out. The end. But it's never the end. I've yet to explain it all in any detail to anyone because they haven't asked and I don't want to be 'that' person, who can't stop going on and on about it. If anyone decides to try (I know a number of coworkers who are trying since New Year's) and wants any input from me, I'd be thrilled to share some stuff I've learned about food, but most of them focus on my workouts - what I'm doing/how long/how often. I get it but honestly, with an average calorie burn per workout of 300-500 calories a day, my weight loss has been because of diet, primarily. I've found no one much wants to hear that but I'm willing to share if they ever want to know.
  • mariantustisonoconnor
    try just saying I am trying to adjust my eating habits. if they push say once I figure out what foods I can eat and feel healthy then I'll be able to go out but for now I have to monitor carefully. This worked for me and it doing so I realized that I have a sensitivity to certain foods (like bread and chocolate which make me bloated and groggy not good at work).