Hello MFP world!!

Hi, my name is Jen! I joined a few weeks ago. Just kind of wanted to feel this site out. I had joined Spark people last summer, I found it kind of overwhelming. At the end of last July is what really did it for me. I have always been an active person, but when I went to the doctor I weighed 210 pounds. What? I knew I was heavy, never thought that much. That is when I knew something needed to change. I had always been up in down in my weight in school. The last 10 years though, nothing but up. So between Augest and October I lost 10 pounds. Then I managed to stay around 200. I am 5'3", that is a lot for me. My goal is 135.

Two weeks ago I started working out and eating between 1200- 1700 calories a day. I lost 5 pounds right away, but since no change. I feel better, even though my muscles are so a lot. Just wish the weight would start to come off. Not giving up yet though. I am slowly starting to eat better. Cooking and eating a lot more at home. My downfall is work. I cook for a living. All that munching adds up. I have gotten better and I am still working on, not eating at work. I would always make excuse for munching. For example, "I am on my feet all day, running around, this won't make a difference". I pretty sure that is what got me into this position.

So know that I am familiar with this site and you know a little about me, I would like friends. Didn't think I would, to be honest. After reading so many post and success stories, I think you guys are all awesome and inspiring. Can't wait to meet a few of you.