Recipes for a lunchbox?

hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
I bought foods the other day so I can start taking to school and stop eating out all the time. Thing is, the microwave is super far from where my class before lunch is lol Does anyone have any lunchbox recipes that are good/easy to make, preferably FRESH recipes, nothing that requires reheating. Some of the things that I bought were
Chicken Salad
White rice, instant/boil
Turkey slices
Any recipes are appreciated. <3 Thanks!


  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I can eat my weight in cottage cheese on a bed of lettuce, topped with pineapple or mandarin oranges and sprinkled with chopped almonds...
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    Well done on identifying this as a change you can make.
    I often have wraps for lunch. I bring the ingredients from home and put them together right before eating it, rather than making the wrap at home. This would work for tinned tuna, chicken, turkey slices, ham, felalfels, roast veggies. If you want fewer carbs at lunch you could do a salad of lettuce, carrot, cucumber, capsicum/pepper, roast veggies, tuna/chicken/turkey/ham and any other salad veggies you like.
    A selection of veggies sticks (carrot, celery, capsicum/pepper), a couple of crackers (4 maybe) and a dip such as salsa or hommus - just be sure to pack only one serve of the dip to avoid over indulgence (guilty).
    Pasta salad/cold left over veggie pasta might be good too.
    Good luck!
  • hbaby08
    hbaby08 Posts: 75
    i've started getting the tuna pouches, adding a little dressing (mayo, miricle whip, etc) and using celery instead of crackers. it was filling with a boiled egg and some fruit. the pouches can get expensive, but try target, dollar tree, etc- same thing just cheaper. :)