How on earth do you stay motivated to work out?



  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I work out so I can eat what I want.

    Some people never get to the point where they love to work out. I work out 5-6 days a week and still dislike every single minute. I would always rather be doing something else. Been that way since I started working out consistently five years ago. But my genetics predispose me to obesity. I'm not willing to be fat, sick, and unhappy because I don't like to work out.
  • MrsPhan11
    MrsPhan11 Posts: 2,502 Member
    Having good music is a must to jam out to when I work out. Getting a heart rate monitor helps. I set a goal for myself with each workout if what I want to burn. The harder I workout, the sooner I can be done! Classes at the gym are a lot more fun then the boring machines. My fave are spin, Zumba, and turbo kickboxing. Hope this helps! Good luck! :)
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I still don't always enjoy it, even when it's something fun, but I do it anyway. I think of it like taking medicine or brushing my teeth or cooking dinner or doing homework. I may not like it, but I HAVE to find time for it and do it no matter what.

    Why'd you have to mention homework...the very thing I'm putting off by reading this thread!

    I sometimes have to push myself through mental issues that threaten my ability to finish my cardio. One thing that helps with that is to break up my cardio into 2 sets. I do 10-20 mins before doing weights and 15-20 after. I've also considered switching cardio machines, but using the hills program on the elliptical gives me enough variety, at least for now. I enjoy thinking about how hard I'm working and my form. Yes, I even imagine that those around me are impressed by my fervor :-)

    Experiencing the results makes me more excited to work out. In the crazy cold temps we're having in MN right now, sprinting between my car and stores showed vast improvement.

    Since shifting my calorie goal from 1 to 1.5 lbs/week, I'm more motivated to work out so I can eat more, but that doesn't make it more fun.

    Really, you need to find a way to make something at the gym fun...even being on a machine behind a guy with a nice backside. I listen to music I don't normally get to hear very often via pandora on my phone. I've listened to (homework) books on Librivox. Even when I listen to music, I watch the captions on the TVs. Watching TV alone didn't work for me no matter how much I like the show, but it might work for you.

    I forgot to mention that it helps me to remember that I can do anything for 1 minute more when I get bored and tempted to stop. Also, watching my calories burned and distance traveled helps motivate me and push me to work harder. I set goals for how many calories I want to burn, based on what I've burned before.
  • closet_fatty
    I look in the mirror. Problem solved. (:
  • Swissfit
    Swissfit Posts: 7 Member
    When I first joined the Gym, I just went to the weights and aerobic stations.....but with time I started joining the Group is so much better, because I know I am friends with everyone there, you feel guilty when you don't show up, the music is great, the dance moves, or strenuous weight lifting is more than I could ever inspire myself. I try to hit 2 areobic and 2 bodypump classes a week. If not, I step outside my door and walk for 2 hours.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,699 Member
    Easy. I like how I look and want to stay that way. That's only going to happen if I continue to exercise. And I like how I feel AFTER exercise. I'm not stressed out, nor edgy. That's why it's easy to me.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    I have always used my iPod at the gym, on the cardio stations I put on some music that is fast enough to make me work harder... knowing I have to work through "x" amount of music helps get through the cardio at the start and end of my gym session. When I am on the resistance machines, thats more leisurely, so I just have any music playing.
    My turning point came when I started an aqua aerobics class. Suddenly there were people in the same situation as me, (overweight, and looking to lose) friendly people who laughed and giggled through the class because they couldnt keep in time with the instructor. Even when I am not in that class, I still see the people around the gym, and its a friendlier place to be.
    My latest venture is small-group training sessions 5 of us to one personal trainer, 2x a week. Now that also helps as we are getting to know all the personal trainers there, each time we go, we have a different set of exercises to do, and we are again getting to know other people.... and push/encourage each other to work hard.
    Since starting at this gym last year, my motivation went right up, mainly because of the classes/group training.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
  • Jessb1985
    Jessb1985 Posts: 264 Member
    I agree with the others in that it gives me more calories to eat because I love food :)

    One thing I've started since new year is that I've done like on Seinfield and make a big red cross on every day I exercise on my calendar so I can say "Well, this month I've worked out 15 out of 20 days so far". I love putting the red cross there!

    I also find exercises I enjoy and challenges that keep me motivated. I love getting up early in the morning to take the dog for a long walk - Not too strenuous and really relaxing. On the other hand I like to try and do a Jillian Michaels workout every other day.

    Good luck :)
  • annakommers
    annakommers Posts: 48 Member
    I'm not motivated, it's not great but I really just make myself go, when I'm THERE it's fine, I love it, but i do have to force myself there.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I plan my days meals the night before, so sometimes my motivation is as simple as - If I skip the gym today I'll have to change my daily plan from 2300 to 1800.....that usually gets me up and moving around.
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    After almost a year of working out daily, it has become habit, so motivation is not required. In the beginning, however, I kept a picture of "fat me" in a frame on my dresser. Every morning that I felt like skipping the gym, I looked at that picture, and immediately grabbed my gym bag and walked out the door.

    As for at the gym, during cardio I use my iPad and watch downloaded TV shows. An episode of a show is usually 45 mins or so (or a full hour if it's an HBO or Showtime show), and that's a great way to forget what you're doing. I still do that to this day, only I now only do 20 mins of cardio after weights, so I use sitcoms. I'm currently watching the entire series of How I Met Your Mother.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I keep motivated by trying on clothes that I like but they no longer fit !!!!!

  • Selunca
    Selunca Posts: 208 Member
    Its my anger management. And when I'm not angry, I just feel loads better after working out. :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    1. Find something you like that you are not bored doing.
    2. Make yourself do it at least 3 times a week.

    After awhile, you will begin to want to do it, and you won't feel right if you start skipping too many days, you will feel the difference in your body and energy and mood.
  • jensweighingin
    jensweighingin Posts: 168 Member
    Habit. Set plans. Make it part of the schedule. For me, it's first thing in the morning. I just will find every excuse in the world to NOT go after work and when I have gone after work, I can't sleep because of the endorphines. I also have a workout partner and we meet at the gym at 5:15 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and sometimes other days. Today she turned her alarm off and feels guilty she didn't meet me. Stuff happens. It's also finding an activity that I love. Hate the dreadmill. But that's the only activity I can do with my workout partner before we lift, so it's OK. When I figured out she wasn't coming for cardio this morning, I switched to the elliptical and set my kindle on it. 9 chapters down, 250 calories burned all before 7 am. I find that I'm less edgy and in a better mood if I hit the gym before work. Classes are great, I personally have trouble fitting them into my work schedule. Try 3 days a week for a month. Try different things. You may not be a gym rat, but you'll probably find something you enjoy.
  • Makeda1211
    Makeda1211 Posts: 134 Member
    I know you have gotten all kinds of suggestions but I would tell you that you have to find something that is so much fun that you don't realize you're working out. The other part of it is a mindset. I like to call it 'Beast mode'. When you are in beast mode, nothing will come between you and your workout, especially when you start to see the results of your workouts. (i.e. clothing fitting differently, a compliment from someone, or just doing a normal activity and seeing muscle in places you've never seen before.)

    Just food for thought.
  • katy_trail
    katy_trail Posts: 1,992 Member
    you're already burning tons of calories working as a nurse (unless you're siting at a desk, most are not)
    and taking care of your house. how big is your house? do you have stairs?
    our house is much bigger than our previous home, just cleaning it,
    I can stay on maintenance or lose weight as long as I don't go crazy with food.
    lots of trips up the stairs, running up them, when I can. putting things away, use the loo upstairs etc.
    there's just more to do than at the apt. duties that didn't exist before.
    we have a lot of rooms, so if I actually vacumn it all it takes an hour, or more if I'm getting in every nook and cranny.
    many people swear by doing lunches while you vacumn. I do squats while I'm washing dishes.
    just fit it into your day as you go. if you can't find time for cardio do tabata (4 mins all out effort and you're done)
    only if you're already in good shape though. if not you can still work up to it with intervals of anything.
    intervals really help with the endurance, you said you want to improve that the most.

    and you can do weight training in 20 mins 2-3 times a week. i prefer free weights at home.
    keep em in my bedroom, workout before bed if I have to.
    or first thing in the morning. there is no finding time to drive thru traffic to the gym.
    or keep resistance bands in your purse, and do it on break at work.
  • hoosierlad
    hoosierlad Posts: 69 Member
    For me it is something I've done it for so long that I feel "bad" when I don't do it. Once you feel the change, you like it. However, I agree it isn't the most exciting thing to do. You might need to partner up with someone whom can keep you going, and to have fun with at gym.Maybe someone you like to talk to whom you don't get to see often enough. Personally, I see the gym as a place to go to not only work out, but to be around a variety of people...prefer the female types. I don't spend an inordinate amount of time talking, but like to say hi, and have a few chats with people, whom otherwise I wouldn't know (just moved into area). Another suggestion might be to check into, zumba, etc. that are also great for you, and might help offset some of the more boring routines.

    Bottom line, it is good for you, and you'll be glad you did it in years to come !
  • pawsnpurrs
    I blew out my knee cap last year and was in leg brace so i found fun DVDs to work out to TAI CHI is my favorite, I had been walking my dog Peachy to park for past 14 years but her cancer came back..walking to the park alone was as dreadful to
    me as your walking into the gym but we all have into the zone moments where we really are enjoying the exercise buzzzzz
    so for me to get motivated i got me some trek took me to the place i did not want to work out at and spiced it up
    maybe you can take some fun new classes every other day and do the work outs that you dread..spice it up ...also do they have a pool maybe work out in water..i am learning to do resistance bands, use hand weights, and have a gazelle glider.. but 14 years of walking Peaches and all my other dogs in moonlight before the sunrise gives me pure peace and pleasure of being in that no longer becomes a chore working out if becomes a positive lifestyle