after20 day still the same.

I started out with 1740 calaries, then on the 2nd week I went down to 1422 calaries, then to 1430calaries now I am at 1419, and have not lost a pound. I"ve lost inches in hips, and waist. Am I not eating enough???I ride my bike at least 5 times a week for 30-45 min. Or else I walk for 30 min.I am not hungry.Next week I will drop to 1407 a day.


  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Give any change at least 2 weeks. If your constantly adjusting you don't know what's working or not because your not giving it enough time.

    Stop using quick added calories. It makes it difficult to go back and look at what your eating to figure out what your doing wrong.

    Try to cut back on processed foods. Track and try to lower your carbs. Replace unhealthy snacks and replace them with healthier ones. Eat more fruits and veggies. They will make you feel fuller longer. Try to eat lean meats and up your protein.

    Log every single bit that goes into your mouth. Everything has to be weighed or measured. You won't have to do that forever but until you get a grip on why this isn't working for you then it's required.

    I don't see where you are eating 1430 unless your eating back your exercise calories. If you are eating back all your exercise calories try eating back half of them instead.

    This is not rocket science you are not a special snowflake. Unless you have some type of medical condition (then see a doctor) preventing you from losing weight then calories in < calories out = weight loss.

    Weight loss is 100% diet. Exercise is important and can help on the calories out side of the equation but you can not out exercise a bad diet. Eat healthier, weigh, measure and log what you eat. Figure out your calorie goal, set a reasonable deficit like 1lb loss a week and stick to it, you will lose weight.
  • romach79
    romach79 Posts: 277 Member
    The type of calories you eat is almost as important as the amount. Refined carbs and starchy foods inhibit your body's ability to burn fat and will stall your weight loss. Try eating more protein.
  • N8r8r
    N8r8r Posts: 75 Member
    Gail, I'd consult a dietitian before dropping your calories so don't want your body to go into "starvation mode". Be careful.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    1) Stop messing with your calories. 4 different calorie amounts in 20 days isn't long enough to know what works

    2)If you're losing inches, it's working. Chillax.
  • If your body hits starvation mode, you will not be able to lose weight.
    Make sure the foods you eat are good, indulge every once in a while but try to stay the course.
    Give it time.
    Remember also that the body is a wonderful machine and as you exercise... you have to change up the routine to keep
    your body guessing. If you don't change it up, your body gets used to the same old routine and finds ways to not expend as many calories to burn during the exercise like it did at first. Add in some different exercises and don't get caught up on the weight... it is all about the inches.
    Good luck
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I started out with 1740 calaries, then on the 2nd week I went down to 1422 calaries, then to 1430calaries now I am at 1419, and have not lost a pound. I"ve lost inches in hips, and waist. Am I not eating enough???I ride my bike at least 5 times a week for 30-45 min. Or else I walk for 30 min.I am not hungry.Next week I will drop to 1407 a day.

    You're not still the same, you lost inches. What exactly is the problem? Did you want your hips and waist to stay the same size?