Exersicing & eating healthy but



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Have you tried calorie counting?
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    And are you sure you're eating the right amount? You've calculated it all correctly? Cause eating the right amount combined with weights 3 x a week with cardio 1-2 times a week should do the trick! :)
  • MattChurchill
    MattChurchill Posts: 33 Member
    I eat fruits, veggies, lean protein and I eat oatmeal and whole wheat bread, nuts, nut butters, dairy! I'm short. !'m 153.7 and 50 Kg and my UGW is at the 40s Kg

    iv put your height and weight into a calculater and it comes up at this is your ideal weight your bmi is 21.9 maybe you should look at maintaining and not losing .
    I know I'm in the healthy range. but I want to lower my body fat and lose some inches. which won't be achieved without weight loss.

    If you want to lower your body fat then the best thing you can do is weight training/circuits. Eat lots of protein, and if you can 5 meals a day. Try eating steak for breakfast and plenty of beans and nuts.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I've been gaining for a month now. every week. but I thought it's water but it turned out that i gained inches too.
    Reduce your calorie intake by 40-50. Monitor for 2 weeks. 40 calories is 10g of carbs. DO NOT change anything else.
  • mybodyismydiary
    So I looked at your food journal. You eat really well. Things that I would consider would be, like others have said, your thyroid. My mom had thyroid issues and she gained weight. I would also consider any medications that you're taking; side effects, ect. I think you should go to the doctor for sure though. Let them know what you've been eating and your workout routine. Doctor's take minimal if any nutrition classes in med school (how does that make sense? but it's the way it is) so I don't ALWAYS go with a doctor's idea of what nutrition is. But they can definitely do some blood work and give you some better ideas of why you're gaining weight. And if all comes back normal, maybe you just really need to switch things up. Take a break for just a couple days and increase your calorie goal for that same period of time. Your body might be holding on to your weight because it THINKS it's starving. So if you up your intake and rest for just a couple days, your body realizes that it's ok to let go of the weight because it isn't starving like it thinks it is. Then, after a couple days of that, go back to your normal calorie goal and just hit the workouts hard! You should definitely see a difference then! I hope that helps a little! Let me know how things work out!
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It sounds to me like your calorie counting might be off. Are you weighing everything? Trusting calorie counts from restaurant portions? Logging every single bite that crosses your lips? Including hidden calories from food preparation? If you don't have one, I would recommend getting a digital scale and going back-to-basics on logging. Include everything for 2 weeks minimum- even weigh all your fruit and vegetable portions. If you eat peanut butter, tare the spoon and weigh it. If you drink coffee, tare the scale with the full cup and weigh the creamer in fluid ounces that you add. Seemingly minor eyeball measurements can really add up.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    Have you tried calorie counting?
    oh wow. never thought of that :/ hahaha
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    And are you sure you're eating the right amount? You've calculated it all correctly? Cause eating the right amount combined with weights 3 x a week with cardio 1-2 times a week should do the trick! :)
    What does your routine look like?
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I eat fruits, veggies, lean protein and I eat oatmeal and whole wheat bread, nuts, nut butters, dairy! I'm short. !'m 153.7 and 50 Kg and my UGW is at the 40s Kg

    iv put your height and weight into a calculater and it comes up at this is your ideal weight your bmi is 21.9 maybe you should look at maintaining and not losing .
    I know I'm in the healthy range. but I want to lower my body fat and lose some inches. which won't be achieved without weight loss.

    I've seen a few people lower their body fat, and lose quite a few inches without seeing any movement on the scale. It can be done. They did it with heavy lifting.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm doing Stronglfits 5x5, with cardio once or twice a week.

    Google Stronglifts and download the pdh file,... or for an easier read.. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/560459-stronglifts-5x5-summary

    Stronglfits is lifting 3 times a week, workout A and B which you alternate !

    Do this and make sure you are not under-eating! Figure out your correct amount of calories!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    It sounds to me like your calorie counting might be off. Are you weighing everything? Trusting calorie counts from restaurant portions? Logging every single bite that crosses your lips? Including hidden calories from food preparation? If you don't have one, I would recommend getting a digital scale and going back-to-basics on logging. Include everything for 2 weeks minimum- even weigh all your fruit and vegetable portions. If you eat peanut butter, tare the spoon and weigh it. If you drink coffee, tare the scale with the full cup and weigh the creamer in fluid ounces that you add. Seemingly minor eyeball measurements can really add up.

    This right here.

    You are most likely eating more than you think. Log everything! Even just a 'taste' of this or that. I log everything, including gum. I weigh/measure my food. If I'm still unsure about something, I go with the higher calorie count as opposed to the lower. You cannot continually gain on a calorie deficit unless there is something medically wrong with you.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Also I agree with the heavy lifting! There is a regular poster on MFP, I can't recall her user name right now but she looks amazing from lifting! And is actually about 10 pounds more than when she started, but looks significantly smaller than she did at the lower weight. Her body is tight!
  • tomdeb87
    You might want to get your thyroid checked. I gained 20 pounds in 6 months. I finally went to the doctor and my blood work indicated my thyroid was not working properly. I am now on medication and struggling to get this weight off.
  • johloz
    johloz Posts: 176 Member
    A healthy weight range for you is between 47-59 kg. You currently weight 50 kg, so you are at the low end of the spectrum. If you are trying to weight 40 kg, you, as your user name implies, are striving for being underweight. The reason why you are not losing weight is that your body has no extra weight to lose. Please consider the possibility that you may have an eating disorder, and seek help as appropriate.

    I would also suggest, as someone else already has, starting weight training. You may not see the ridiculously low number you are looking for on the scale, but it will help you create a more "toned" physique, which you can hopefully find a way to be happy with.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    A healthy weight range for you is between 47-59 kg. You currently weight 50 kg, so you are at the low end of the spectrum. If you are trying to weight 40 kg, you, as your user name implies, are striving for being underweight. The reason why you are not losing weight is that your body has no extra weight to lose. Please consider the possibility that you may have an eating disorder, and seek help as appropriate.

    I would also suggest, as someone else already has, starting weight training. You may not see the ridiculously low number you are looking for on the scale, but it will help you create a more "toned" physique, which you can hopefully find a way to be happy with.
    set down! I don't have ED! I eat 1500 calories and never starve my self. and Fit is the new skinny. and I said I don't care for the number of scales I want to lose inches and decrease my body fat. please think before you speak. Okay? cool.
  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
    A healthy weight range for you is between 47-59 kg. You currently weight 50 kg, so you are at the low end of the spectrum. If you are trying to weight 40 kg, you, as your user name implies, are striving for being underweight. The reason why you are not losing weight is that your body has no extra weight to lose. Please consider the possibility that you may have an eating disorder, and seek help as appropriate.

    I would also suggest, as someone else already has, starting weight training. You may not see the ridiculously low number you are looking for on the scale, but it will help you create a more "toned" physique, which you can hopefully find a way to be happy with.
    and yeah by the way I didn't say that my UGW is 40 Kg. I said at 40"s" which is if you don't know is between 49 to 40.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    OP, you actually can maintain your scale weight while losing body fat and gaining muscle. Check it out:

  • cravingskinnybody
    cravingskinnybody Posts: 109 Member
  • shari67
    shari67 Posts: 9 Member
    Go to the dr. and have them check your blood sugar levels. Same thing happened to me last fall, found out my blood sugar levels were incredibly low...I was exercising, watching my food intake and working with a personal trainer. Even my trainer was like there's something wrong, no way I could be gaining weight and inches. Turns out, while I was eating the right amount of calories, I wasn't eating balanced, and my body was counter-acting all the hard work I was trying to accomplish. Once I started to eat a heavier breakfast and less at dinner it made a difference. Now I"m seeing loss, but it's not overnight like I had hoped. I'm working hard for it! Good luck, hope you figure it out.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    A healthy weight range for you is between 47-59 kg. You currently weight 50 kg, so you are at the low end of the spectrum. If you are trying to weight 40 kg, you, as your user name implies, are striving for being underweight. The reason why you are not losing weight is that your body has no extra weight to lose. Please consider the possibility that you may have an eating disorder, and seek help as appropriate.

    I would also suggest, as someone else already has, starting weight training. You may not see the ridiculously low number you are looking for on the scale, but it will help you create a more "toned" physique, which you can hopefully find a way to be happy with.
    set down! I don't have ED! I eat 1500 calories and never starve my self. and Fit is the new skinny. and I said I don't care for the number of scales I want to lose inches and decrease my body fat. please think before you speak. Okay? cool.

    Hmm then why does your profile say "If you support ED or don't eat enough, don't add me. IT TRIGGERS ME." Sounds like you've had some issues in the past.