got a question!

Hiya :smile: this might sound like a stupid question especially to those who don't drink alcohol but with the weekend coming up im really looking forward to putting my feet up and having some drinks :drinker: i usually drink in the week to but since im trying to lose weight ive stopped in the week so i haven't had a drink from Saturday which is really good going for me :happy: so the question is....if i drink Friday and Saturday nights will it stop me from losing weight? ive only been on MFP for 6 days so if i keep logging in and keeping under my calorie allowance and drink Friday and Saturday which will probably take me over my calorie allowance would i be wasting my time trying to lose weight......


  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Make sure to count the calories. A lot of people focus more on their weekly totals than their daily totals for just this reason.

    If you want to limit the damage, then you can do some research ahead of time. For example, beer is only 125-150 calories per bottle. If you want mixed drinks, then try to have diet soda bases. Fruit-based drinks are usually incredibly high in calories, and they are impossible to count accurately for the same reason you never know how much alcohol is in them.
  • Thats a great question, I am a drinker also. During this time and just for the future I have also worked on cutting back on my liquor/wine intake. It will not stop you if it is only on a once a week basis, but again as you know and see alcohol has a lot of calories. Maybe you could just try doing one day of the weekend, versus two. Believe me i know it may be hard but try it for a couple weeks and then maybe go a straight week without any liquor and see if there is a difference in weekly weight loss
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    I don't drink all that often but 4 times or so in the last couple of weeks I just felt I'd like a couple of vodkas with fresh orange juice. So I had them. And I've lost almost 7lbs! Just count the calories n try and stay away from beer! Good luck! x
  • Try to balance it so that you're weekly calorie total is still under the target, otherwise it's pointless.

    Have a drink, and enjoy, but try not to regard it as a 'reward' for doing well all week. That kind of thing, if done in excess, might just set you up for failure. If you can manage all in moderation it wont be too much of a problem.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Personally I'm giving alcohol a break for a while while I get a handle on my eating habits.

    Drinking makes me eat - and eat crap!

    I think it's fine to have a drink as long as you can control yourself and I know I can't do this!

    Vodka or gin with a diet mixer is a good way to go. Or drink wine spritzers so they last longer. Try to log them as you go so you don't lose track. And try to have a glass or water or soft drink in between each alcoholic drink.

    I'd like to say that you can have a good time without drinking but if everyone else is drinking and you're not - no way!
  • MummyTina29
    MummyTina29 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the reply :happy: im planing on drinking vodka and diet coke so will have to try and find out how much calories are in those lol i get carried away sometimes when i drink lol like last weekend i was going to count the calories but got to drunk to continue counting but i am deadly serious about losing weight this time and don't really want to be flinging all my hard work in the bin
  • ruthieg10
    ruthieg10 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the reply :happy: im planing on drinking vodka and diet coke so will have to try and find out how much calories are in those lol i get carried away sometimes when i drink lol like last weekend i was going to count the calories but got to drunk to continue counting but i am deadly serious about losing weight this time and don't really want to be flinging all my hard work in the bin

    Try Vodka, soda and lime!Yummy!x
  • MummyTina29
    MummyTina29 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks for the reply :happy: im planing on drinking vodka and diet coke so will have to try and find out how much calories are in those lol i get carried away sometimes when i drink lol like last weekend i was going to count the calories but got to drunk to continue counting but i am deadly serious about losing weight this time and don't really want to be flinging all my hard work in the bin

    Try Vodka, soda and lime!Yummy!x

  • magsxx
    magsxx Posts: 46 Member
    Its my birthday today so i'll be celebrating this weekend - so i have upped my exercise this week and tried to stay within my calorie range for food and haven't ate my exercise calories back so i can have a treat at the weekend :) i normally drink wine and beer but am going to drink vodka and diet lemonade. maybe you could try and do a bit more exercise during the week and keep them extra calories for the weekend and see how that works :) goodluck and enjoy xx
  • xveer22
    xveer22 Posts: 93 Member
    In general I cut down a bit on alcohol. Before I always accepted alcoholic drinks when I visited someone, but I've stopped doing that. A glass of water is also good for me. At party's I still like to drink without having to count calories. As this is about once/twice a month this isn't that bad. But I've just got a boyfriend who doesn't drink alcohol at all, so it's getting easier and easier for me to do without :)
  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    look at the calorie content of your drinks -- vodka with diet mixer is often fairly low about 100 - 150 calories per drink depending on brand and how the bartender pours. - fruity drinks are high in calories, avoid these.

    the biggest issue would be to avoid the bar food!
    continue to count your calories and get back on track of the diet the next day.

    perhaps do a good workout before going out so you have some calories to spare.

    and drink a glass of water between each drink.

    and go out and dance -- it is great excersize!!!

    dont sit at the bar, STAND next to your friends - you get a little extra movement and you are not plopped down infront of the snack bowl, you can easily move away from it.

    I am with you - i love going out and having a good time, i go out about once a week and drink plenty. with a little self control you can have a great time and still lose weight. (the weight loss may be slower than what you want) but make sure you keep plugging away at the diet.
  • MummyTina29
    MummyTina29 Posts: 60 Member
    Its my birthday today so i'll be celebrating this weekend - so i have upped my exercise this week and tried to stay within my calorie range for food and haven't ate my exercise calories back so i can have a treat at the weekend :) i normally drink wine and beer but am going to drink vodka and diet lemonade. maybe you could try and do a bit more exercise during the week and keep them extra calories for the weekend and see how that works :) goodluck and enjoy xx

    Happy Birthday! :drinker: and hope you have a great weekend when it comes :happy: i usually drink wine and cider but ive heard vodka and diet coke will be better so think il just drink as normal on Friday and keep count on how many i have had then work out how much calories i have consumed then i will know to cut that down if i need to in the future plus do a bit more exercise :grumble:
  • MummyTina29
    MummyTina29 Posts: 60 Member
    look at the calorie content of your drinks -- vodka with diet mixer is often fairly low about 100 - 150 calories per drink depending on brand and how the bartender pours. - fruity drinks are high in calories, avoid these.

    the biggest issue would be to avoid the bar food!
    continue to count your calories and get back on track of the diet the next day.

    perhaps do a good workout before going out so you have some calories to spare.

    and drink a glass of water between each drink.

    and go out and dance -- it is great excersize!!!

    dont sit at the bar, STAND next to your friends - you get a little extra movement and you are not plopped down infront of the snack bowl, you can easily move away from it.

    I am with you - i love going out and having a good time, i go out about once a week and drink plenty. with a little self control you can have a great time and still lose weight. (the weight loss may be slower than what you want) but make sure you keep plugging away at the diet.

    Thanks :smile: its great knowing im not the only one that likes a good drink :drinker: think il be working my butt off on Friday and Saturday trying to burn calories :grumble: