Anybody on the Atkins Diet?

Anybody on the Atkins diet and losing weight? Is it really true that you dont need to count calories? Whats your opinion?


  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    I was on a slow carb diet, and it's true. I didn't need to count and lost weight. However, not a real healthy diet, and not sustainable. Most on this diet gain it all back shortly after.
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I did Atkins years ago and lost a ton of weight. Within a year slowly adding carbs back, I gained it all back plus some.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    If you don't want to count calories - plan your meals for 2 weeks. Stick to it! Measure them all out, and then you'll be able to gauge what your eating - eventually you won't need to count calories b/c you'll just know. For most, they like to keep using it as a crutch. For me, I enjoy tracking my macros and keeping a diary so I know what workouts were better, what days were better, etc. SO I can adjust my diet to ensure perfect meals for certain settings.
  • xoxerinxox
    I'm on a keto diet which is pretty similar :)
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    Ask yourself - Is this sustainable? Will I be able to keep on this diet for the rest of my life? SHOULD I keep on this diet for the rest of my life? (especially those that suggest tons and tons of meats). I don't think these diets are healthy or sustainable, and those who have (with the odd exception) gone off it gained it all back.
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    Oh dear, i started a post like this and got bashed! I think it does work. I don't particularly advocate the Atkins diet because I don't think it's best to consume soy or limit your carbs as low as 20g but I think you should keep insulin levels low as insulin does lock your fat cells and prevents fat loss.
    Also, from my own experience with diets, when you are eating protein and fat you are much less hungry than traditional diet food.
    Just make sure you eat healthily because it's easy with this diet, just like the low fat diet, to eat crap.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    Ask yourself - Is this sustainable? Will I be able to keep on this diet for the rest of my life? SHOULD I keep on this diet for the rest of my life? (especially those that suggest tons and tons of meats). I don't think these diets are healthy or sustainable, and those who have (with the odd exception) gone off it gained it all back.

  • hdutoit17
    Thank you for all the replies.
    I can see myself on a low carb diet and think I am going to do atkins for a while and then ease into a more realistic diet. Think I need the extreme bit first cause I stray and get bored so easily. I know your body uses calcium to break down protein so will take calcium supplements.
  • fatmadam
    I am not so much on Atkins *kitten* low carbing. I have type 2 diabetes, and this keeps my blood sugars under control, and I have been able to stop medication. Strangely enough, my cholesterol is now perfect, were it used to be too high. My blood pressure is good, and I am effectively recovered from diabetes.

    Makes you think doesn`t it?
  • kmstieg
    I am not so much on Atkins *kitten* low carbing. I have type 2 diabetes, and this keeps my blood sugars under control, and I have been able to stop medication. Strangely enough, my cholesterol is now perfect, were it used to be too high. My blood pressure is good, and I am effectively recovered from diabetes.

    Makes you think doesn`t it?
    ^^ totally agree!!
  • Everfriend67
    I have been doing low Carb since Sept 2012 and I LOVE it! I just don't do a SEVERE low carb diet. I do not eat ANY bread except once in a blue moon. The same goes for any other high carb food such as rice, pasta, potatoes, etc. I have tried Dreamfields pasta which is low digestible carbs. To me it tastes EXACTLY the same as regular pasta. I do eat fruit and some veggies that are higher in carbs because they are natural carbs. Potatoes are natural too but MUCH higher than most other veggies. I do NOT add ANY sugar to ANYTHING if I can avoid it! I also do not like to use artificial sweeteners just because they have SO many chemicals in them! You have to stick to what works for you. That is the bottom line. I LOVE beef. I literally could eat steak every single night and not get bored. Some people can't. Low carb eating has become a lifestyle for me and it really does work in my favor. I have struggled with my weight my ENTIRE life. I even had the Lapband put in. It worked for a VERY short period. It was a waste of money in my opinion but again, I know there MUST be some out there who the lapband have worked for or else it wouldn't be out there. I truly believe that diet HAS to be a lifestyle and it HAS to be one that works for each individual. One will work for you that won't work for me and vice versa. People can bash Atkins all that they want but look at the research of it's success, it must be successful for a reason. The Atkins books, products, forums and websites must be doing well for a reason. I am just a firm believer that just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it doesn't work for someone else.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eat less + work out = lose weight...

    It is not low carb that makes you lose is just you replace all the garbage carbs you were eating with better foods that are lower in calories....IMO
  • bblumenstock
    bblumenstock Posts: 10 Member
    I did try Atkins for a while and it did work - my blood sugar went way up and doctor was going to start meds if it didn't come down - Atkins was good, but I did add more carbs that what they suggested - I keep carbs around 180 daily. If it works then go for it - different things work for different people.
  • sethwdyer
    sethwdyer Posts: 19 Member
    eat less + work out = lose weight...

    Read "Good Calories Bad Calories". It opened my eyes to a lot of BS I've learned from dieting.

    The calories in/calories out argument for weight loss is garbage.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    eat less + work out = lose weight...

    Read "Good Calories Bad Calories". It opened my eyes to a lot of BS I've learned from dieting.

    The calories in/calories out argument for weight loss is garbage.

    Comments like these start battles. Ill gear up for the show.
  • sinistras
    sinistras Posts: 244 Member
    Dr. Atkins is DEAD. Heart Attack. Hmmm...
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Atkins seems too extreme, but go for it if you would like. I am a fan of lower carbs in the diet. It helped me to get to goal weight and has helped me to maintain it for sometime. I try to have 150g a day of net carbs. Don't always accomplish that and sometimes am lower. In the end it's about calories in and out. But, sometimes these diet strategies can help one to adopt change which is generally what is needed .
  • damienmyers69
    I did try Atkins for a while and it did work - my blood sugar went way up and doctor was going to start meds if it didn't come down - Atkins was good, but I did add more carbs that what they suggested - I keep carbs around 180 daily. If it works then go for it - different things work for different people.

    I don't follow any real diet,
    been a diabetic for 20+ years now, at one point on the diets the dieticians gave me to follow, my sugars were so high the meter just read H1.

    18 months ago, got told change my lifestyle or damage behind my left eye would need severe lazer surgery.

    So I studied up on my meds
    ditched everything I was told about food and diets.
    for a month I only ate foods that were low in sugared carbs, not overall carbs, but carbs that sugared.
    I made notes on how certain foods affected my body, and how my meds coped with them.

    Within 3 months and my next HBA1C test, sugars were normal.

    Now I know my so called fast acting insulin and my diabetic tabs actually keep working for up to 6 hours, and that my tabs actually help prevent the liver from over producing insulin, rather than actually helping to bring sugars down.

    Now 18 months on, weight remained stable, sugars normal, and damage behind my eye fully healed.

    So my advice would be, if your on medications, do your research, and don't just trust 1 site, study several, it worth the time and effort.

    And no one good food is good for everyone, just because something might be sugar free not mean it won't spike ya sugar levels, and 99% of fat free foods tend to be loaded with so much sugar they more fattening than if they were full fat to start with.

    So do your research, test foods on yourself, then you can make your own food plan that works for you...

    Hope that helps

    The bad diabetic guy gone good lol

  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you don't want to count calories - plan your meals for 2 weeks. Stick to it! Measure them all out, and then you'll be able to gauge what your eating - eventually you won't need to count calories b/c you'll just know. For most, they like to keep using it as a crutch. For me, I enjoy tracking my macros and keeping a diary so I know what workouts were better, what days were better, etc. SO I can adjust my diet to ensure perfect meals for certain settings.

    i'm not really sure how tracking calories to ensure a deficit is a "crutch". It doesn't make it any easier not to stuff my face full of chocolate... I have to actually work for that part.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    eat less + work out = lose weight...

    Read "Good Calories Bad Calories". It opened my eyes to a lot of BS I've learned from dieting.

    The calories in/calories out argument for weight loss is garbage.

    so you are saying you can eat in a calorie surplus and lose weight? Please explain this magic to me....