
Good morning
I have lost over 30 lbs starting at 180 in May
However, I am superbly frustrated. For the last 3-4 months, my weight has been fluctuating between 147 and 149
Although I have been constantly under my calorie burn, it seems I have plateaued.
Starting 2-3 weeks ago my weight went up to 151 , and now it is fluctuating between 149 and 151
Although I did not behave, I KNOW for a fact did not eat over 7,000 extra calories. I might have went up by 100 -200 cal over my calorie burn 3-4 times, however the rest of the time I was anywhere from 100 to 600 cals under, so logically if anything I should have lost at least .5 lbs
Any suggestions? Ideas?


  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Weight loss isn't linear and sometimes you will get stuck. You might start losing again slowly at some random point or you might wake up one morning and suddenly find a pound or two gone for no reason you can figure. That is why scales drive us all crazy. A tape measure gives results less frequently but it's more reliable, and you could lose inches and also notice your clothes fitting looser all while the scales don't move.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    MFP only does what we tell it to do. Your ticker says you have twelve pounds to lose, and even if that is a mini goal, at 150 you don't have drastic amounts of weight to lose. You should set your goals to lose half a pound a week. As you get closer to your goal, your weight loss will naturally slow down, and trying to force it by eating fewer calories than you need will lead to stalls and plateaus. I'd reassess your goals. (Also keep in mind that you may be over eating on some days because you are in fact hungry.)
  • lillenisse
    lillenisse Posts: 22 Member
    Well done you for dropping the first 30lbs!

    Perhaps you need to switch up your routine a little to kick start the weight loss again? Why not try upping your calories a little? It may be that since you started this journey, the needs of your body have changed, especially if you are now a more efficient ‘machine’ than before. Secondly, the number on the scale guides many of us but the body can change dramatically without the scales really moving down (or in fact going up), maybe try a different measure of success e.g measurements, body fat % etc. Oh, and drink lot of water if you are not already.

    This is just a little bump in the road, give it some more gas and go for it :wink:
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    Thank you
    I did change my calorie intake. If you look at my food journal, although I kept it at 1200, I have been eating into my calorie deficit almost every day for a few months now. i was not going over my calorie burn ( love my fitbit). I just do not get how can I go into higher 2 lb fluctuation bracket , if I did not overeat 7,000 cals. I do drink water
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    Was 12, when I dropped to 147, now I up to 150. GRRRR
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I would recommend that 1) you eat all your calories (even the one you burned from exercise) 2) take B-Complex vitamin. I plateaud as well and that was the only thing that helped. I truly think your body is hungry and conserving the calories you have.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    The last ten to twenty pounds from what I can gather is best lost by eating at maintenance for a bit like you have been and then continuing to eat the same maintenance while jump starting the exercise. Focus on what you eat being as clean, healthy and watch your sodium and you may even see some results without extreme workouts. Sodium intake causes alot of fluctuation especially for women and when visited by TOM.