Changing Childrens eating habits



  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Any tips? My husband and I are making changes to our food and with that brings changes with our children's food. I feel though they have become too dependent on chick-fil-a and carbs.
    I am making small changes like more fruits with dinner and if I am buying something that is packaged I stay away from preservatives and all that jazz.
    Lunch is hard because my kids are at a nut free preschool so no PB&J that they love and I was giving them lunchables but
    not anymore. I try turkey sandwhiches or yogurt but they don't really like it.
    I have done a lot of reading on line but I swear a lot of these articles are written by someone who either a has no children or b
    has a child that never questions authority lol. Plus the articles don't say what do to if your child doesn't do the routine haha
    So I figured I'd ask the parents on MFP what you do. My boys are young and I want them to have healthy eating habits.
    Any recipes, ideas, suggestions, etc?

    I'm probably reading this wrong but no routine plus questioning authority to me means no or poor discipline. There have been some good UK and US Supernanny episodes where changes of diet and routine were addressed, you could probably find those online. Agree with the others they won't die if they don't eat much for a few days, and it can take a number of tries before a new food is accepted.

    You don't mention any fruit or veggies, don't they like fruit or the sweeter vegetables like raw carrots, roasted bell peppers or cherry tomatoes? Do they help you plan, shop or prepare meals? Obviously within the boundaries of their age, appreciate little ones hinder as much as help but they can still feel 'invested' in the meal. Could you switch from Lunchables to sandwiches slowly - week one traditional cheese and ham carved off the bone (not the processed stuff) in a sandwich, week two add tomato, week three switch the ham to turkey?