Quitting Smoking



  • cyndi2012
    cyndi2012 Posts: 65 Member
    Allan Carr's "Easy Way To Stop Smoking"


    1100 reviews, average review 4.8 / 5 stars . . . it works and costs as much as a pack of smokes in Chicago. Give it a shot.

  • I quit smoking a little but over a year ago.. if i have any advice it would be to do it gradually. Pay attention to how much you smoke daily and cut down slowly- that way its not like you are just stopping a habit youve had for a long time out of nowhere and the side effects will be less drastic. I chewed ALOT of gum and i would use mouthwash or brush my teeth everytime i had the urge to smoke.
  • I am 2 years smoke free!!! I remember the day like it was yesterday. I work for a construction company, in the office. I was out in the shop area and I had a cigarrette in my hand. I lit it and took one puff and I just had this overwhelming sense of doom. A picture came acrossed in my mind of me in my 40s and on 24 hour oxygen, unable to breath. (My boss has COPD and is on 24 hour oxygen and doesn't come in anymore. His son is running things now). Right then and there I tossed the cigarette onto the concrete and didn't smoke the rest of the day. I was in my car later heading home and thought that since I had almost a half a pack left, that I shouldnt just let them go to waste. So I told myself I would just finish the pack and then quit. God had something else in mind tho. I lit it up and immediately got sick. I haven't touched one since. The smell of cigarrette smoke is so nauseating now.

    This may sound a bit morbid or whatever, but what helped me at first was I read everything bad about smoking; the people who died, lung cancer, pictures of someone's lungs who smoked, I read anything that was sick or disgusting that dealt with smoking.
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