Finally Making a Go of This

Hi all! My name is Stephanie, and I set up my account on here a while ago, but I would like to now try to religiously track my foods. I started weight watchers this week, but I really like this tol to track my nutrients too. I have about 100 pounds to lose, and I am VERY motivated to do it. I never lost the weight I gained with my daughter, nearly 13 years ago, and now, 3 months ago, I had a beautiful little boy. My BF is diabetic, and due to the issues it's caused with his feet, he will not be able to do a lot of the active things with our son, so I want to get myself in shape, and in better health, so that he doesn't miss out on any of this things that come along with being a kid. Of course, I'd love it if the weight would just fall off, but my goal is to have it off before my 35th birthday, which is one year and 9 days from today!

Great to be here, and I am looking forward to all of the support, as well as giving support to others who need it!