Living Abroad

First, let me apologize as I posted briefly earlier on this forum, but not as an introduction...oops. Still trying to learn how to navigate this site.

I am currently living abroad in South Korea. I do not have a kitchen, at least not by typical standards, which makes it difficult to prepare meals. I only have a single gas camp-stove burner. I work odd hours: anywhere from 11 am to 10 pm (Hagwon life). My school/office does not have an accessible fridge or microwave. What can I eat at work? Right now, I am typically sticking with fruits as they are portable and DELICIOUS! However, I am usually eating meals around 10 pm :( I hate eating this late, but I am not snacking/eating enough beforehand to sustain myself until the next day.

Shopping can be difficult. I can read a good portion of hangul, but my vocabulary is pretty crude. Additionally I find myself always short on calories! I am not sure how accurate the exercise gauges are. I usually bike 4 miles six days a week (two miles to work and two home). It is city cycling, relatively flat and can take as long as 30 minutes because of all the crosswalks. I also run two miles, 3 or 4 times a week. I have been watching calories for nearly a month now and haven't seen any improvements. I admit, I have had my slip ups, but who hasn't? For the most part, my diet consists of a lot of fruits, vegetables, and eggs as they are quick and convenient. I usually eat chicken or tuna because meat in general is pretty pricey here. In all honesty, it is almost cheaper to eat out here. In the land where rice is King this can be extremely unhealthy. Brown rice is hard to come by in stores, and is nearly non-existent at restaurants. On average I would say I eat rice maybe once a week, usually if I go out somewhere with friends.

So my question to you is, what do you suggest? I have 5 months left before I head back to the US. I dream of pie on a daily basis, and cheeseburgers. How I miss the comforts of home! I am proud to admit I have made healthier eating decisions and reduced my portions immensely in the past month! I feel like I have come so far, but have nothing to show for it. It is quite discouraging :( I feel like if I start to make progress here it will keep me from falling off the wagon when I return to the land of pizza and beer.