New and Wan t to add Friends

I started MFP about 3 weeks ago. I am looking to add some friends for motivation. Here is a little about me. I am 35 years old and am really sick of being overweight. I played football (linebacker) at the collegiate level and basketball in high school but since my playing days ended, I stopped doing the things necessary to keep my weight down. I started this journey the heaviest I have ever been in my life at 285 pounds. I am now 270 and am hoping to get to 200 pounds as a goal for now. I love the support that is given on this site and to see the before and after shots. My wife and I are both on this journey. She has a lot less to lose than me but we are both in this together. I want to be healthy for my two children and my wife. I was diagnosed with testicular cancer 2 years ago and successfully fought that off after surgery and radiation therapy. I don't take life for granted and want to be able to do the things physically that I was able to do when I was 21. I am a high school teacher and football coach. How bad is it to lose your breath when tying your shoes?!?!?!?! My biggest issue is fast food. I love it!!! Can't lie........we have almost completely cut it out. We now eat out at a restaurant once on the weekends and that has worked thus far to fill our cravings. I am done rambling now. Thanks for the support.


  • TattooTerra28
    TattooTerra28 Posts: 38 Member
    Great to hear your wife is doing this with you! It's important to have support! Sounds like your doing amazing, keep up the good work! :)
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    Best of luck on this journey you are taking. It is a big step to start, and takes a lot of dedication and support to stay on track.

    Anyone can add me as a friend
  • scress0514
    scress0514 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey there, sounds like you two are doing a great job. Just sticking with it is the hard part. Remember doing something for 30 days becomes a habit so staying away from fast food for 30 days will be a life long habit. I havent eaten fast food for yrs!! I do still eat out in restaurants, but i try and choose wisely and portion control is another hard thing too!!! Baby steps just take baby steps and we will all get there.....good luck on your journey!!
  • bbelles1
    bbelles1 Posts: 19 Member
    thanks we are on our day at a time.
  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    You have made the right step in joining MFP. It's the perfect place to be accountable and get motivated! Remember to take baby steps even if it means taking it day by day or meal by meal. Those small steps, with consistency, do make a substantial difference. When you exercise consistently and make more smart food choices than bad ones - THAT is what will get you the change you want. It is not a fast process, but you CAN do it! We all need support and encouragment on this journey - please feel free to add me if you like. Good luck on reaching your health fitness goal!
  • Soon2BFit_85
    Soon2BFit_85 Posts: 15 Member
    Glad to see you and your wife on this journey together, fast food is also a big thing in my family, not only is it delicious, but sometimes theres just so much going on, it is the convenience that is there that is the downfall of so many people. I am new here but i am more then willing to be a cheerleader for you and help you achieve your goals :)
  • crubinetti
    crubinetti Posts: 53 Member
    Hi and Welcome! I too am 35 and doing this with my husband (who is 10 years older than me). AND I FEEL YA on the going out to eat thing! Busy family of 5 with 3 teenagers, it is so easy to say lets go out! We too have cut it out, with the exception of Sunday Brunch because I really look forward to that time every week, but now make different choices and are trying new places! Feel free to add me!