Hello! I just joing MFP today. I really need to lose weight, as currently I am 159.5- the heaviest I have ever been. Even when I was pregnant with my daughter, I weighed in at 158 at term! I am 5'3 so those lbs really show, but I am determined to lose them!! Need all the encouragement because I know this will be soo hard. I am the only person in my family thats overweight, and living with underweight family members who love to eat! GOD HELP ME DO THIS!!


  • brandylynnjudd
    brandylynnjudd Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I'm new here too! I need help as well!!! I love food and this sucks so far!!! We have to think of the results if we want to get there! Add me :)
  • sammie121403
    sammie121403 Posts: 49 Member
    I have been using this app for 30 days now, and it has been the most helpful thing i have ever used in trying to lose weight. It actually makes it pretty easy. Good luck with your weightloss! :)
  • ricky_j_b
    ricky_j_b Posts: 64 Member
    think of it as loosing fat,and being a healthy weight!!
  • I am the same height and don't think 158 is as bad as all that. How many calories are you aiming for? I lost 25 pounds in 2 months eating 1200. It wasn't too hard but since October I have been stuck. What is your goal weight?
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    This is a real good place to start..lots of support and great ideas. Im here to encourage you !! You can do it..your weight is at a good place to start..Just think..Im not going up from here..Im going down:) You have the right mind set and you can and WILL do it!!! Get it girl:)
  • If you eat a lot of protein you can eat more and feel fuller, longer
  • DanielleKMoore
    DanielleKMoore Posts: 9 Member
    Doing what exercises along with the cut back to only 1200 calories?
  • Yes, I agree, there is too much good food out there, and its hard to deprive yourself when its in your face saying eat me!
    We can do this though, slow and steady.....maybe 1 cheat day (with moderation ofcourse!)
  • dani_1977
    dani_1977 Posts: 557 Member
    Welcome!! this will help as long as you log your food! Everything.. and that takes practice to get that point. But stick with it. Drink lots water and try to do some workouts.

    Keep reminding your self of your goal! this site will help just reach out for friends. they will help motivate you.

    Dont compare yourself with other... even your family. Just focus on you


    feel free to friend me
  • cassig13
    cassig13 Posts: 78 Member
    i totally understand how you feel. my family is half and half some skinny some large but the large ones aren't trying to eat healthy so i started this on sunday done pretty good so far. Add me as friend if you would like we can help motivated each other i need to to lose at least 30 lbs but i would love to lose 50lbs. I had a baby last year as well and i have a seven yr old. My biggest problem is energy trying to keep up with two boys. Request me if you want I'm looking for positive friends on here. :)
  • My goal weight is 130, as I have been at 98lbs-159(my current). That is where I feel the most comfortable. My husband loves to eat, and is underweight, so that is going to be my biggest challenge.
  • I am eating a lot of protein and fiber. My main meal is at night though, cuz I just cant sleep unless I am full
  • katkri
    katkri Posts: 4 Member
    What I did since I was the only one trying to lose weight was eay more reasonable meals for breakfast and lunch and then at dinner I would eat the same meal they were but samller portions. If I endulged in extra calories I would work them off with exercise.
  • I have a very busy schedule, but I still get in 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill in the mornings, and 30 minutes of walking at lunch break... I dont have time to do more.
  • I used this program to lose 20 pounds last spring. I have since inched back up 10 pounds. My weakness is snacks. What is a good low calorie snack that is crunchy and salty? I am really not much on popcorn.
  • AshS1050
    AshS1050 Posts: 43 Member
    you're not that far from a healthy weight range for your height. i'm 5'3 too. i know how the smallest increase feels like so much on our short frames. but you can do it! just keep motivated and don't be too hard on yourself. remember you're trying to make a permanent change. so it may take some effort and time, but if you do it right, it will last!
  • mhk0719
    mhk0719 Posts: 255
    Just wanted to say "Welcome"! Feel free to add me as a friend. Looking for friends :)
  • Doing what exercises along with the cut back to only 1200 calories?
    I do cardio 3-4 times per week for 35 mins each and strength training twice a week
  • finkplamingoes
    finkplamingoes Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there, and welcome! I'm new myself and wanted to say hello because I'm the same height as you and just about the same weight. Maybe we can keep in touch and motivate each other!
  • Hi and welcome. I am new myself - just one week into this and I love this site. I too am heavier than I have ever been
    even after 6 pregnancies. My highest pregnancy weight was 168 and I am 180.7 and also 5 foot 3, That is so discouraging but I have encouragement to give you. I have lost 4.2 pounds the first week on this "program" of staying within my caloric amount. I think you will be encouraged as I have been. It seems so much easier than tracking points or cutting out food groups.I wish you great success!!