Weight loss stopped after 4lbs.

Hello people, first topic on MFP.

Well, I did a fit test at Energie Cardio to determine how is my cardio, how many calories I should eat to lose weight, etc. They told me that I should eat 1400 per day to lose about 1 pound per week and that I have 36.6% bf. That's what I'm doing since december. The first week I lost 2.2 lbs, after that I lost 0.8 and the last time I lost something it was 0.4 lb. Well, I didn't lose anything since two weeks now and this morning I went on the scale and I gained 0.6 even if I'm eating 1400 or less each day... I have no idea why I don't lose anything... I know that I couldn't lose more than 1 lb per week since I don't have that much to lose but I would like to lose at least 0.5 per week and it doesn't seem to work... I don't know if anyone has an idea why, but I would appreciate to have your opinion or some trick...

Thank you in advance and I'm sorry for my bad english!


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Open your diary so people can see what you're eating and your calorie levels. This will help them give you the right advice.
  • kcallas88
    kcallas88 Posts: 192
    Remember that weight loss is not linear and people do lose weight in whooshes. You may get on the scale in a week and notice two lbs gone. Also, water weight. Make sure you drink enough water per day to flush out toxins and make sure your body doesn't retain water. Check your daily sodium amount also.

    But above everything else, keep eating healthy, sticking to your calories, and giving 110% working out. Weight loss takes time!
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Find your numbers: TDEE and BMR.

    Make sure you are not eating under your BMR. This is NOT your current problem as this only will cause trouble after a few months.

    Your current problem is most likely diet related. Lack of protein and/or lack of water intake. Additionally, starting any new diet plan and/or exercise regime will result in significant water retention while your body becomes accustomed to the new lifestyle. This will mask weight loss.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I didn't lose anything since two weeks
    Stalls happen - don't sweat it. Numerous times I've gone for over a month without the weight moving. Focus on long term weight loss instead of quick weight loss.

    Pack your patience.

    Stay focused and on plan.
  • jalexlaw
    jalexlaw Posts: 2 Member
    Don't quit! Keep at it. Check your daily food diary. Be sure to log in EVERY BITE. Do not skip a day. No diet pop, just ice tea or water. Also you may want to lower your total calories. I on 1200 calories and I am 6'2".

    Anyway, good luck to you. I am a beginner but I love it so far.

  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    Are you eating a total of 1400 and exercising too? If that's the case you mightnot be eating enough.

    Depending on your height and weight 1400 can be on the low end....heesh I'm short at 5'1 and currently weigh 129 and I can lose on 1500 exercising only 4 days a week.

    I suggest you figure your BMR to make sure you're not eating less than that AFTER you subtract exercise. Alos if you're not measuring or weighing your food that's always the first thing you should do...you'd be amazed how many extra calories you eat just eye-balling protions.
  • NNEroxa
    NNEroxa Posts: 10
    Hey, thank you all. Well, I decided to stop using the scale for the next month, so I will not discourage myself about that. My BMR is 1526 and my TDEE is 1908, so I eat 1400. I'm 5''5 and 149lbs. And yeah I eat 1400 and I exercise but I always eat my training calories back. Well, I'll watch my sodium a lot more because I realized that these days I ate more sodium than habitually and I'll try to drink more water because I don't drink 8cup per day, it's a lot, but I'll try harder.

    A big thanks.