:( Im so sad and dont know what to do now...



  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Bodyweight exercises. All you need is your body and the floor.
    This, moving your body weight in good form with a tight core is tougher than moving any free weight.

    Agreed, with this and the great outdoors for my cardio I am doing great, never plan on using the gym.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    not sure if you're serious? Is this sarcasm?

    omg lol yes im serious.

    the program i was about to start doing is strictly involving gym machines. you know like the bar over your shoulder while you squat. or the band that you pull to your chest. or the huge dumbells that you use to do a bicep curl. yeah. i dont have any of that.

    i was just ranting. but im good now.

    since i dont have access to a gym i will just suck it up and do body weight exercises. I was just hoping to do the whole "lift heavy" so that I could get great muscle tone. Thats all.

    I have great muscle tone/definition just from the body resistance exercises.
  • LoveTexas
    No Im not giving up the least bit actually.

    She requires you to do dumbel squats and "lift heavy". Cant do that when all you got is a treadmil.

    I will do the body weight exercises though like some of you mentioned.

    Maybe 30 day shred will be good. 3 days of cardio and 3 days of 30 day shred..think that would work?

    Im mostly just bummed because I like following a strict schedule, now that I have realized that I cant do her program without a gym I am stuck with trying to find another program that will work for me.

    ...trust me. Im not quiting

    So do body weight squats. Do bulgarian split squats, or pistol squats. I would guess any movement she has in the video there's an equivelant move that doesnt use weights.
    Use these websites for reference
    you are your own gym
    unique bodyweight exercises

    Thank you. I was actually looking at nerdfitness yesterday. I think i will give some of his workouts a try.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    Get a new video. Insanity doesnt require much. 30 Day Shred just needs some small weights. Ripped in 30 is another good workout.
  • dqgirl1
    dqgirl1 Posts: 39 Member
    I do Jamie Eason's plans and despite having alot of equipment I cant always do all of the designated tasks either........Its an amazing amazing plan though......there is lots in her plan that you can do differntly if you have hand weights!! Dont give up!! Also, there are plenty of weight lifting excercises you can do.......and maybe look on amazon and find some dvd's.....thats what i do, I find them slightly used and cheaper on there and me and my friends switch around some. Leslie sansone has a 45 minute(3 mile) workout thats kind of cardio but with hand weights....that was pretty good:) Dont get discouraged.......but I do believe that you need more than just cardio in your plan!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    not sure if you're serious? Is this sarcasm?

    omg lol yes im serious.

    the program i was about to start doing is strictly involving gym machines. you know like the bar over your shoulder while you squat. or the band that you pull to your chest. or the huge dumbells that you use to do a bicep curl. yeah. i dont have any of that.

    i was just ranting. but im good now.

    since i dont have access to a gym i will just suck it up and do body weight exercises. I was just hoping to do the whole "lift heavy" so that I could get great muscle tone. Thats all.

    just FYI, there are some incredibly fun ones out there, like- honestly. really fun except the part with the lunges. If you want a completely different perspective to all this, go browse the blogs on NerdFitness.com or search Nerdfitness bodyweight circuit or Nerdfitness Batman bodyweight circuit.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Check out Play It Again Sports.
  • kimheiman
    kimheiman Posts: 29 Member
    I don't have gym access either and i do Julian Michaels 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack everyday and i've lost 17 pounds and 10 1/2 inches in 70 days. I love doing my home workouts. You can find dumbbells and mats and stuff online. I just substiitute til i can get the proper equiptment. I went from not being an exerciser to exercising everyday. Everybody is starting to notice my body
    changing. Im kindof not losing weight right now but i can tell im gaining muscle. All i have is 3 pound dumbbells and mat for now.:smile: