Chocolate addiction...



  • kayla554
    kayla554 Posts: 99 Member
    Whats wrong with a little chocolate everday lol? As long as you're not overdoing it. Miranda Kerr (Victoria secret model) says have a peice of chocolate, just not the whole bar, life is about indulging a little.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Hey! You're a believer! So am I, and I'm currently working through the book, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst...try and get your hands on a copy. You were made to crave...GOD and him in your life. I'm finding (cause sweets are a difficult point for me to) if I can redirect my attention to how BIG God is and the BEAUTY he has in store for me and my health, the sweets have less and less a hold on my life, and I'm finding it's easier not to be fixated on wanting that piece of chocolate so badly!! Don't play the pity party for yourself - be EMPOWERED to make healthy and God glorifying choices in your food!!

    Love in Christ, Deanna
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Hey! You're a believer! So am I, and I'm currently working through the book, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst...try and get your hands on a copy. You were made to crave...GOD and him in your life. I'm finding (cause sweets are a difficult point for me to) if I can redirect my attention to how BIG God is and the BEAUTY he has in store for me and my health, the sweets have less and less a hold on my life, and I'm finding it's easier not to be fixated on wanting that piece of chocolate so badly!! Don't play the pity party for yourself - be EMPOWERED to make healthy and God glorifying choices in your food!!

    Love in Christ, Deanna

    Just to point out..not everyone is the same religion.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Switch to low sugar/ sugar free dark chocolate instead of sugary rubbish, then don't worry - cocoa is packed with minerals and antioxidants. If you cannot do that you don't have a chocolate addiction it's the sugar/ fat combination, in which case review your diet and consider your triggers.

    When do the cravings begin, what happens in the hour or three prior to that - are you bored, blood sugar dropping, tired, stressed, depressed, skipping a meal, eat a badly balanced meal (all carbs/ low fat/ low protein)? Where are you seeing the chocolate, how are you getting the chocolate?

    I eat relatively healthy... Mostly at night after dinner is when I want chocolate... And it's in my house because my husband is a junk food junky and as much as we try we always have some in the house. I think if we didn't I'd probably still go buy it. As for bored I dont have time to be bored! Stressed not at night.

    Get a good quality cocoa, and mix two tablespoons of it with milk or water for a drinking chocolate. Add a little of your sweetener of choice. Some cinnamon or chilli is good too.
  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    Hey! You're a believer! So am I, and I'm currently working through the book, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst...try and get your hands on a copy. You were made to crave...GOD and him in your life. I'm finding (cause sweets are a difficult point for me to) if I can redirect my attention to how BIG God is and the BEAUTY he has in store for me and my health, the sweets have less and less a hold on my life, and I'm finding it's easier not to be fixated on wanting that piece of chocolate so badly!! Don't play the pity party for yourself - be EMPOWERED to make healthy and God glorifying choices in your food!!

    Love in Christ, Deanna

    Just to point out..not everyone is the same religion.

    But I read her profile, and we believe in the same God, so that's why I spoke to her about our shared faith. Was absolutely not trying to push anything on you :)
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    When I was trying to bring my blood glucose level down, I started switching to dark chocolate. I never liked it growing up, but I knew I needed to stop eating Reese's, Kit Kats, Mounds, etc. on a fairly regular basis because I could never stop at one piece, I had to keep having more and more.

    I started by eating dark chocolate chips with walnuts -- the chips were about 50% dark. I slowly worked my way up to 60% dark chips. Eventually, I started trying Ghiradelli's 72% dark twilight delight chocolates...sometimes I have it with some Smart Balance popcorn and it really brings out the chocolatey taste. That's my go-to for chocolate cravings now.

    A single piece is only 55 calories and 3g of sugar, and once I'd worked my way to that point, I found it was very satisfying to just have that one piece without grabbing for more and more like with milk chocolate. And I get some health benefits of eating dark chocolate! (Personally, I've tried to work my way up to darker chocolates, but I haven't managed it yet, I'm happy with the 72%.)

    That's not to say that I never have milk chocolate, it's just that it's easier to pass by it at the food store and not be tempted to buy it like I used to.
  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    True recovered chocoholic!

    Honestly before I started MFP I would eat one to three chocolate bars a day; I was completely out of control. Not only out of control eating chocolate, but hiding it as well -- closet binges, Once I put my mind to eating healthy I started MFP and cut out chocolate except for the occasional piece of dark chocolate (70-80% dark) . I have one square and I am satisfied. I sopped cold turkey and have absolutely NO uncontrollable chocolate cravings.

    Good luck!
  • HopefulLeigh
    HopefulLeigh Posts: 363 Member
    Hey! You're a believer! So am I, and I'm currently working through the book, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst...try and get your hands on a copy. You were made to crave...GOD and him in your life. I'm finding (cause sweets are a difficult point for me to) if I can redirect my attention to how BIG God is and the BEAUTY he has in store for me and my health, the sweets have less and less a hold on my life, and I'm finding it's easier not to be fixated on wanting that piece of chocolate so badly!! Don't play the pity party for yourself - be EMPOWERED to make healthy and God glorifying choices in your food!!

    Love in Christ, Deanna

    Just to point out..not everyone is the same religion.

    I'm usually right there with you, but it looks like Deanna was replying to the OP - ChubbyChristianChick - with a way she's working on overcoming her cravings with techniques found in a book based in their mutual faith.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Hey! You're a believer! So am I, and I'm currently working through the book, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst...try and get your hands on a copy. You were made to crave...GOD and him in your life. I'm finding (cause sweets are a difficult point for me to) if I can redirect my attention to how BIG God is and the BEAUTY he has in store for me and my health, the sweets have less and less a hold on my life, and I'm finding it's easier not to be fixated on wanting that piece of chocolate so badly!! Don't play the pity party for yourself - be EMPOWERED to make healthy and God glorifying choices in your food!!

    Love in Christ, Deanna

    Just to point out..not everyone is the same religion.
    Yes, we know there's heathens out there...:drinker:
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Hey! You're a believer! So am I, and I'm currently working through the book, "Made to Crave" by Lysa Terkeurst...try and get your hands on a copy. You were made to crave...GOD and him in your life. I'm finding (cause sweets are a difficult point for me to) if I can redirect my attention to how BIG God is and the BEAUTY he has in store for me and my health, the sweets have less and less a hold on my life, and I'm finding it's easier not to be fixated on wanting that piece of chocolate so badly!! Don't play the pity party for yourself - be EMPOWERED to make healthy and God glorifying choices in your food!!

    Love in Christ, Deanna

    Just to point out..not everyone is the same religion.
    Yes, we know there's heathens out there...:drinker:

    Did you say heath bars? Too much toffie, but you can suck the chocolate off a heathen, and at least that part is good.
  • chubbychristianchick
    Thank you all for your suggestions. I will try the dark chocolate switch and see how that works out. Also as for the book made to crave read it 3 times :) lol
    Thank you all so much for responding!