Heightened Taste

Anyone else find your taste heightened after giving up soda/eating healthier? I'm getting tired of just water all the time, yet one sip of juice and I'm immediately turned off by how sweet it is! And those fake sugar drinks are worse. I ate some soup yesterday (broccoli cheese). It wasn't particularly salty at all, it was great while eating it, but about 10 minutes after eating it my mouth felt like it was filled with salt. This is really annoying, I feel like I can't eat anything except extremely bland things. :/

FYI I was highly addicted to Coca Cola, seriously drank it like water. I've had nausea issues for years, and the doctor suggested I may have GERD and to modify my diet along with taking Zantac (I took the zantac the first day but haven't since bc I hate pills). (So no caffeine, chocolate, carbonated drinks, fried foods, acidic foods, etc.) Saturday will make 2 weeks that I've been on this diet and the nausea is much improved, so it looks like I'll be sticking with this for the long term. However I'm getting really tired of the bland food and water only. I'd like to add a few things back in moderation, yet anything I try seems to be TOO much taste wise. :/


  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    I used to drink a 2 liter of diet pepsi a day. I now drink 1 glass (12 oz) of diet pepsi with lunch and drink water the rest of the day. I am amazed at how much more flavorful everything tastes & how salty some things are. You may just have to wean yourself back on regular food. Have a couple of tablespoons of the particularly flavorful food & have something bland with it & increase as you can tolerate it.
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    I used to down AT LEAST 3 cans of Nestea per day as a teen. I had the pizza face to prove it. I gave up everything that wasn't milk and water when I started last January. I allowed myself to have some fruit juices every now and again, but whenever I try to drink iced tea, it's like a blitzkrieg on my taste buds. I can't even finish a can anymore. O____o

    Much more recently I also gave up milk as an experiment. I substituted it with almond milk, which tasted hellish when I first tried it, so I added 2 tsp of sugar to each glass (healthy I know /sarcasm). But eventually I weened myself off the sugar and now it tastes pretty sweet by itself! Anyway, I had a bit of regular ol' milk recently, and to be honest, it wasn't my cup of tea. It felt like it had just coated my tongue and palate. I still drink it with my chocolaty desserts, but for everything else? There's almond milk.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Anyone else find your taste heightened after giving up soda/eating healthier? I'm getting tired of just water all the time, yet one sip of juice and I'm immediately turned off by how sweet it is! And those fake sugar drinks are worse. I ate some soup yesterday (broccoli cheese). It wasn't particularly salty at all, it was great while eating it, but about 10 minutes after eating it my mouth felt like it was filled with salt. This is really annoying, I feel like I can't eat anything except extremely bland things. :/

    FYI I was highly addicted to Coca Cola, seriously drank it like water. I've had nausea issues for years, and the doctor suggested I may have GERD and to modify my diet along with taking Zantac (I took the zantac the first day but haven't since bc I hate pills). (So no caffeine, chocolate, carbonated drinks, fried foods, acidic foods, etc.) Saturday will make 2 weeks that I've been on this diet and the nausea is much improved, so it looks like I'll be sticking with this for the long term. However I'm getting really tired of the bland food and water only. I'd like to add a few things back in moderation, yet anything I try seems to be TOO much taste wise. :/

    Did you make the soup yourself? If not it probably was packed with salt because most ready made stuff is, soup and cheese are two key offenders. You don't necessarily need extremely bland things, just not excessively salty things which is actually most fast and ready made food.

    Try avocado, I never knew that had a flavour of its own until I stopped eating any processed food so ate way less salt. I can't drink neat fruit juice, it's cloying so I dilute with a little water (sometimes carbonated sometimes tap). The rest of the time I use sugar free lemon cordial but super weak.

    And well done for holding out two weeks, so pleased you are getting results!
  • bluskies01
    bluskies01 Posts: 72 Member
    I didn't make the soup, it was from a restaurant. It's just a local place so no way to google ingredients, although maybe I could call and ask. And thank you! The first few days were really rough (the caffeine withdrawal headaches, irritability). Getting rid of that nausea was worth any sacrifices I had to make though! I'm still learning what my offending ingredients are. So far I know definitely any carbonated drinks, and tomatoes/tomato products are definitely irritating, it seems like citric acid is too, and that's in a ton of things. Also garlic and onion are added to almost everything unless it's sweet! I gave away all my chocolate today to my sister, and now I need to either give away my alcohol or throw it away.