Stupid scale!!

So I was going to do my weekly weigh in. My electronic scale is on the fritz or something. I stepped on it and it gave me +10 lbs over my last week! LIKE whoa! WTf. Did it again 3 lbs under... again same weight as last week. So I busted out a 25 lb weight. It came up 4 different weights on 4 different measures some over 25 some under some not even close. like 5+ lbs different! I just put a new battery in last week so surely that is not the problem..... GG scale you obviously hate me. Have an old basic scale, weighed my weight ,set it to the weight witht eh little scroll thingy (which is 1lb over the zero line) it comes up consistent so I am just going to have to go with that. Pretty sure of my start weight as I got it from the electronic scale and at the time it matched the gym scale and a friends scale. But not sure how to proceed from here.