Looking for some friends to help my journey!

hey MFP community!

feel free to add me as a friend anytime! i'm on MFP daily and am looking for people to help keep me motivated and on the right track!


  • best wishes to you im usually online in the evening and im on facebook:smile:
  • trishaswiss
    trishaswiss Posts: 11 Member
    Same here! I just started using MFP again and getting more on track with losing the rest of the weight. :happy:
  • danielhutchins
    danielhutchins Posts: 65 Member
    I started MFP this week. I've been over weight my entire life, and have been on most every diet you could name. I'm hoping that working it slow and steady can help me make it work. I'm happy to friend up anybody willing to help me on my journey!
  • Rhapsody1234
    Rhapsody1234 Posts: 3 Member

    Im very new to this, only started on Monday, fingers crossed :-)
  • Ztefh
    Ztefh Posts: 17
    Hi! I really love how supportive this place is. I will definitely add you, and others should feel free to add me!
  • Thanks everyone! feel free to have a look at my diary and give me any feedback so i can make better choices with my food and i'd be happy to help any of you also! (if you want that kind of thing:P)