Dairy causing breakouts?

wluck Posts: 11 Member
Has anyone here experienced breakouts from consuming dairy products? I usually have a serving of greek yogurt a day, but it's making me break out like crazy. I only eat it to get protein and calcium, but I need ideas for some non-dairy items that has calcium


  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Try cutting it out for a while and see if your breakouts go away. Then reintroduce it, if the breakouts come back, then it very well might be what's causing it.

    I've never had breakouts due to dairy but I did WAY over-drink coffee for about 3 months, (like 8 cups a day over-drinking) and that caused me to get the worst acne of my life. Caffeine can cause inflammation and in some people (like me) cause acne. I cut it out completely for two months and my acne (something I'd never had before) went away. My reason for telling you this... do you drink a lot of caffeine?

    But non dairy sources:
    Blackstrap molasses
    Leafy Green Vegetables
    Salmon, with bones
    Sesame Seeds
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    How do you know the dairy is the trigger, have you tried plain live yoghurt instead of sweetened Greek?

    Without dairy, you will struggle to get the recommended daily amount of calcium from wholefoods - you would need ~400g almonds or ~750g spinach for an adult female's intake (1g) example. Canned oily fish (salmon, sardines, pilchards, mackerel) with the crumbly bones mashed in is certainly a healthy option. Might be best switching to a fortified alternative like soya or almond milk or discussing supplementing with your doctor.