Please Analyze my Food Diary



  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    Your breakfasts are calorie light and your dinners are calorie heavy. Try eating more at breakfast and lunch and less for dinner. Also, a lot of your calories are coming from snacks. Try to remember to eat a lot of lean protein and fresh fruits and veggies. Add a side salad to lunch and dinner and you won't eat as many calories from the main meal. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water too. I am also 5' 9" and 210, medium frame. I am on 1200 calories a day and I am exercising at least 3 days a week burning 500+ at each workout. I hope this helps, I know how frustrating it is when you aren't losing.:wink:

    I myself am never hungry in the morning, and always hungriest at night, so dinner is my biggest meal. I've been losing weight right on schedule. What is the advantage of eating more for breakfast and less for dinner?

    The advantage to eating less in the later portion of the day is simply you have less time to burn it off and you don't burn that much when you sleep. If you have an after dinner workout then it doesnt matter.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    What do you have your calorie intake set at? For me, I don't lose at all when I'm at "lose a half pound a week" but when I go down to "lose a full pound" the weight comes off a lot faster!
  • Dponta
    Dponta Posts: 13 Member
    I myself am never hungry in the morning, and always hungriest at night, so dinner is my biggest meal. I've been losing weight right on schedule. What is the advantage of eating more for breakfast and less for dinner?

    You have more time and are more active during the day to burn those calories. You should still eat in the morning even if you aren't hungry. It will set you up better for the day and you won't snack as much.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for your insights. Really.

    As for the fruit...

    I was told that sugar is sugar, no matter where you are getting it from, so that I should make sure that I am not going over my limit. I guess I am getting conflicting information (this came from my trainer that I see at the gym once a week). I do know I have to get more veggies in.

    I think I need to find better meal options. I agree that I am breakfast light and dinner heavy. I ususally find that around 3:00 I have over 1000 calories left for the day, so I try to get them in, which means I try to snack on yogurt, cheese and nuts and then have over one serving of dinner to make up for calories. I AM SO FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    You have more time and are more active during the day to burn those calories. You should still eat in the morning even if you aren't hungry. It will set you up better for the day and you won't snack as much.

    actually you couild eat all 1400 (or whatever your cal goal is that gives you a deficit) 10 minutes before you went to bed and still lose weight. meal timing makes no difference to weight loss, just do what suits!
  • Dponta
    Dponta Posts: 13 Member
    Don't feel like you have to eat all of your calories every day. If you are getting enough through your net calories it is ok to end the day with them left over.
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    What do you have your calorie intake set at? For me, I don't lose at all when I'm at "lose a half pound a week" but when I go down to "lose a full pound" the weight comes off a lot faster!

    I did the suggested one poud a week, so my calories at set at 1810 (which is hard to get in, to be honest). Should I up my weekly weight loss goal?
  • marias2gaa
    marias2gaa Posts: 118 Member
    Watch the sweets watch the drinks, watch the sodium. Drink lots of water! Shrimp has alot of sodium. I limit my shrimp intake and More veggies, more fruits and lots and lots of water! :):smile::wink:
  • Just wondering if you're indeed eating at a deficit? As long as you're eating less than you burn you should be losing weight.
    I suggest you recalculate your TDEE and I strongly suggest that you read this.
  • I am not a contact of your's here but I am willing to be. I'm going to add a little if I can.

    Sugar is just sugar but a lot can come with it. Starches and fiber. I leave potatoes and carrots out and keep oranges and clementines in. I steam frozen green beans and broccoli and eat between 4 and 6 cups a day at least 4 days a week. My refined sugars (white sugar, candy, canned fruit cocktail) happens once in a blue moon.

    I guess I'm happy to look. MFP tells me that my workouts three days a week are between 750 and 1300 calories and my daily cal count is at 1530. I'll be 38 in September of this year.
  • andersonjo0306
    andersonjo0306 Posts: 304 Member
    I am not sure if anyone mentioned it or not but I dont see any exercise logged. Your progress will be much slower if you do not get some form of activity in and log it. There are a lot of great groups out there that can give you ideas to start with and they dont take a lot of time. It is slow going and normally I am like you, the progress is extremely slow but since I have been on here and I am tracking everything and doing my daily workout, I am down 4 lbs in a couple of weeks. I have a lot of great and positive ladies who are friends on here if you would like to add me I am sure they will motivate and keep you from giving up.

    Best of luck.....Anything worth obtaining is worth fighting for.....

  • CKJ118
    CKJ118 Posts: 54
    I am sorry about your frustration, but it is great that you are logging your recipes and being precise in your calorie counting. I agree with the people that were saying to watch the sodium and the carbs. It is really a balancing act with weight loss and finding the right combination of foods that work best for your body. I am big on limiting processed foods and it has worked well for me. Good luck and it will happen....just give it a little time.
  • First, I say congratulations for signing up on MFP. Second, you only joined a month ago. Your body may still be trying to figure out what you're doing to it. Keep on tracking your calories and working out. Watch your sodium, cut your sugars, drink lots of water, and occasionally reward yourself. Once your metabolism and body recognize the change you're making, you will see better results.
    Second, there are often underlying contributors. A bloodwork panel can identify any unknown metabolic issues, hormonal or otherwise.
    Third, I am a true believer in MFP. I've watched it work in me, and in so many others. Don't give up.
    Best of luck to you.
  • Just wondering if you're indeed eating at a deficit? As long as you're eating less than you burn you should be losing weight.
    I suggest you recalculate your TDEE and I strongly suggest that you read this.

    ^ ^^^ I was wondering the same thing. Also, you may need to use the restroom if you get my drift. You eat a lot of things that would stop me up.
  • Dponta
    Dponta Posts: 13 Member
    Oh and don't forget, a loss is a loss girl!!! It can be frustrating, but don't forget to celebrate the small things!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Wow, there's a lot of random advice here! Don't eat too much in the evening? Don't eat carbs?

    No-one ever got fat eating in the evening or eating carbs. Your body doesn't know the time, and carbs don't make you fat. Too much food makes you fat.

    I would say you have two possibilities here, You are either eating too much sodium, causing water retention, or you are eating too many calories.

    Are you weighing and measuring everything correctly? You would be amazed at how easy it is to underestimate.
    What are your stats? Height, weight, activity level, BF%?
  • lmkaks
    lmkaks Posts: 119 Member
    I am not sure if anyone mentioned it or not but I dont see any exercise logged. Your progress will be much slower if you do not get some form of activity in and log it. There are a lot of great groups out there that can give you ideas to start with and they dont take a lot of time. It is slow going and normally I am like you, the progress is extremely slow but since I have been on here and I am tracking everything and doing my daily workout, I am down 4 lbs in a couple of weeks. I have a lot of great and positive ladies who are friends on here if you would like to add me I am sure they will motivate and keep you from giving up.

    Best of luck.....Anything worth obtaining is worth fighting for.....


    Thank you,
    I do workout at least four times a week. I go to the gym and see a trainer once a week. With him I do a boot camp style workout using weights, sandbags, medicine balls, etc. and he kicks my butt! I repeat that workout two more times during the week (usually every other day) and then get in a little cardio at least one other day of the week that I am not doing the circut training. So, I am working out at least four times a week.
  • Tandksmommy11
    Tandksmommy11 Posts: 399 Member
    I didn't see very many veggies in there. And maybe you need to increase your water intake? I know that when I did, the scale started moving.
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    It would be great if it was as simple as "calorie in = calorie out" but it just doesn't work like that. There are so many things that are at work with weight loss, including hormones.
    It seems like your diary is all over the place from 1200 to 2000 calories a day.
    i would also definitely look at reducing carbs and eating more fruit and veg.
    Don't eat back your workout calories.
  • FitMama2Three
    FitMama2Three Posts: 13 Member
    Eliminate diet soda and beer, drink plenty of water. Maybe more veggies but I think all in all it looks okay!