Gallbladder pains, except I have no gallbladder..

VeganVamp Posts: 28
edited January 10 in Health and Weight Loss
I had my gallbladder removed in December 2011. I hadn't been suffering for long with the attacks, possibly two months... the pain was awful, worse than labour...

I was admitted into hospital and they discovered I had a stone stuck in my bile duct. They tried to perform an ERCP, which was unsuccesful - two weeks later the stone passed and I was then taken in for gallbladder removal.

I haven't had any attacks since, but I do often get niggly pain up under my right ribcage.

Well, I have been in pain since last Saturday... a deep ache under my right rib cage that radiates around to my back. I sometimes get little sharp throbs, but not often. It feels very tight. That's the only way I can explain it, tightness.

It doesn't matter what I eat, doesn't seem to make any difference. I have tried Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and Buscopan and nothing has taken the pain away. The only thing that eases it is a hot water bottle on it.

I have been feeling a little sick today, but not sure whether it's to do with this or if it's as I'm anxious.

Bowel movements are normal too..

Has anyone else experienced this after keyhole surgery for gb removal?? I have a Drs appt this afternoon.


  • beersrod
    beersrod Posts: 28 Member
    I haven't experience exactly what you describe but I had mine out probably 10 years ago or longer and every once in a while I get want feels like a spasm under my right rib cage, very painful. It only lasts a minute or 2 but feels a lot longer and if I feel the area while it's happening it feels like a balled up muscle under there. The only way i can get it to stop is to stay really still and breathe...very painful. Now, my Dr. has actually felt it since it happened in her office so she sent me for an ultrasound and nothing showed up. So there is stands...please let me know what your Dr. says today.....
  • Yes, when I lean forward it feels as though there's a huge mass in there. Very odd.

    Will definitely let you know how I get on.

    Have you ever googled 'sphincter of oddi syndrome' ?
  • amandat_79
    amandat_79 Posts: 221 Member
    I had my gallbladder out when I was 14 and when I was 17 I started to have pains again and ended up having to go through another proceedure because they had missed a stone and it got stuck and I ended up jaundiced and in the hospital for a week. It might be a good idea for you to go to the doctor to see if they have any recommendations for you (if you haven't). Best of luck to you!!
  • Being sent for blood work and a scan... Will have my scan within 2 weeks and the bloods will be done Monday, back Tuesday. Good old NHS!

    In the meantime if it gets very bad over the weekend I'm to call to see an emergency GP or go straight to A&E.

    Got some painkillers too....

    He thinks it's either:

    A gallstone stuck
    A liver stone stuck
    Scar tissue
    Muscle spams

    I blame my daughter for all of this lol... and yo-yo dieting! My gallstones weren't cholesterol gallstones as I'm veg/vegan and know that my cholesterol level is 1..

    Just bad luck :(
  • beersrod
    beersrod Posts: 28 Member
    Good your Dr. is getting on it, hopefully the pain killers will help with the pain, I'm thinking my problem may just be what you mentioned, I googled it and it sounds exactly what happens to me. I printed it off and am going to take to my Dr. Thanks for the suggestion
  • You're most welcome. Let me know how you get on!
  • jackieorf9
    jackieorf9 Posts: 3
    if you are still having pain ask your doctor about sphincter of oddi dysfunction. My sister and I both have this. It is basically the same pain we each had with our gallbladder attacks, however we both had our gallbladders removed and still have the pain after eating. This can run in families. Narcotic pain meds make it worse when it is flared up. Dr. explained to me it is a spasm and gave me anti-spasm meds to help to delay further surgery. If meds don't work and it is the sphincter of oddi there are about 10 drs in US that can do a procedure to help this, however is not for everyone and does not always help everyone and has to be repeated every 3-5 years on average. A lot of dr's do not even know what the sphincter of oddi is, my GI insisted it was not the sphincter of oddi because my labs were normal, however that is not what the specialists who deal with the sphincter of oddi thought and the anti-spasim meds helped when the GI insisted it would not. Huh, go figure. Guess he was, um, wrong??

    The sphincter muscle that lets the bile and pancreatic juices into the small intestines, when it's not working it won't relax to allow these fluids to get where they are needed and causes pain when it get's "backed up". If you are still having pain and dr doesn't know why ask for a referral to a dr to check out the sphincter of oddi, you can have all normal labs and tests and still have sphincter of oddi dysfunction. Both my sister and I did. All my labs were normal for my gallbladder and my hyda scan was just barely abnormal, the only reason dr agreed to remove it was because of all my pain and I'd been suffering for almost 2 years. When surgeon got in there and actually saw my gallbladder he was beyond shocked, it had been severely diseased for at least a year and should have been remvoed when I first started seeking treatment. Not everyone follows the "mold". You know your body, if your dr won't listen and just dismisses you I'd find a new dr. Hope you start feeling better. Good Luck :smile:
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