
Alright so i figuered i would ask for some advice before i get discouraged, i've been at this for over 3 weeks (i know "not enough time") and have lost 2 pounds. This has never happend in the past, usually i see a bunch of water weight come right off, i mean 2 pounds in a month? ( sorry i just cant believe it)
The only thing i'm doing different is i stopped drinking alcohol, normal times i would drink atleast 4 bkttles of wine a week and some beer or hard liquor in there too. When i was dieting i would limit to 2 bottles a week.

Last year i lost 30 pounds
I gained back 10 (from vacations and holidays) (about 2 months)
The year before that i had lost about 10-15 gained about 5.
The reason i end up kind of giving up is during the summer i comute by bike to work (1 hour) and my weight loss would always stall at this point. (Tried limiting calories, upping them, not counting them) and eventually i would get discouraged and start adding a bottle of wine here and there .... and you knkw the rest.

Thats why this time i wanted to stop drinking. I drank on one night since then (my lowest weight was after) im now 185 - goal weight 145. (5"8)

I know, i should focus on how i feel, but i dont feel better. I feel bloated and grosse. Kind of depressed also. I starying taking vit d and omega 3 at the begining of the year. I don't have a thyroid problem.
So i had a theory that maybe since alcohol dehydrates you i'm holding onto water?urghhhh , im just trying to find a reason.


  • qwertymcherty
    qwertymcherty Posts: 6 Member
    Well I'm not a doctor or anything, but from what I do know (from reading as well as drinking almost daily) is Alchohal greatly dehydrates you, so anything you drink will be used by your body like that to replenish your body resulting in lower water weight.

    I always tell people to start eating/drinking cold things, it cools down your inside making your body have to use calories to warm up all the affected areas of your digestion.

    Good luck!
  • moustache_flavored_lube
    Yes it is very likely from dehydration.

    If you try to tie any particular day's weight to what you did the day before you will go insane. You have to look for longer term trends (weeks / months) and prefer body fat and measurements to weight.

    not drinking is a very good thing for weight loss