soda=liquid candy



  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    Soda and coffee belong in the same category as ice cream, cake and cookies. Eat/drink it if you want and it fits into your daily micros but there are much better choices out there for sure.
  • langsyne
    langsyne Posts: 106 Member
    Does anyone have any advice on breaking the soda habit? I am super addicted to caffeine in any form, especially soda and energy drinks. I'm cutting back on my own, but I want to break the habit completely... Help!!

    Coffee and tea for the caffeine. Carbonated flavored water for the fizzy fix.

    I recently heard there was a study (can't remember where, I'd have to research it) that the sweetness in diet soda does trick the body into causing insulin spikes. Also, aspartame is getting a really bad rap these days.
  • jonesin_am
    jonesin_am Posts: 404 Member
    I don't understand why people feel compelled to comment when they don't have anything supportive to say...

    I think that the way you are looking at soda (even diet soda) is a great way to think about it and if it works for you even better. Some people can't let go of the unhealthy habit so diet soda every day it is. But you are right, all the chemicals and corn syrup and whatever else they put in that stuff (I have no idea because I never drink it - have never been a soda fan) isn't good for you. You might be consuming chemicals in other food you eat but I would think that most of those foods also have nutritional content, unlike soda.

    So way to go! One bad habit nipped in the butt...moving on!
  • fleerik
    fleerik Posts: 29 Member
    I'll have a soda every once and a while, but my wife and I do not bring it into the house. We may drink a soda with dinner twice a month if that. I don't even drink diet soda because of the aspartame. Years ago I was getting chronic headaches. I would always get them after a meal. At the time, I was drinking diet Pepsi and Fresca. I stopped drinking the soda and the headaches went away. I'm sure not everyones body chemistry works the same, but it convinced me enough to stay away from the stuff. Been chronic headache free for nearly a decade.
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    I agree. I treat it as a "treat." I like it better than candy though, truth be known. lol. I drink diet mostly.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I don't understand why people feel compelled to comment when they don't have anything supportive to say...

    I think that the way you are looking at soda (even diet soda) is a great way to think about it and if it works for you even better. Some people can't let go of the unhealthy habit so diet soda every day it is. But you are right, all the chemicals and corn syrup and whatever else they put in that stuff (I have no idea because I never drink it - have never been a soda fan) isn't good for you. You might be consuming chemicals in other food you eat but I would think that most of those foods also have nutritional content, unlike soda.

    So way to go! One bad habit nipped in the butt...moving on!
    How is perpetuating scary urban legends supportive? You don't even know what is in it, yet you know it isn't good for you?

    This thread has a bunch of similar scare mongering. Diet soda is the devil, etc. That's the real negativity around here. There's no science to back any of it up. Whether or not you enjoy diet soda is personal. Whether or not it's unhealthy is not a matter of what you heard or "preference" any more than gravity is.

    That type of thinking reinforces the "food is your enemy" mentality that many people have.
    Also, aspartame is getting a really bad rap these days.
    It has been getting a bad rap since the 1980s when it first went on the market, yet (like MSG) scientific studies are unable to find anything bad about it.
  • dan_IRL
    dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
    How is perpetuating scary urban legends supportive? You don't even know what is in it, yet you know it isn't good for you?

    This thread has a bunch of similar scare mongering. Diet soda is the devil, etc. That's the real negativity around here. There's no science to back any of it up. Whether or not you enjoy diet soda is personal. Whether or not it's unhealthy is not a matter of what you heard or "preference" any more than gravity is.

    That type of thinking reinforces the "food is your enemy" mentality that many people have.

    I see far more science that suggests that aspartame and diet soda is bad for you then good for you. Personally, i would rather go with the common thread. I KNOW for a fact that water is better for me than diet soda. So I choose it. I choose to use soda (in general) as an occasional treat.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    I see far more science that suggests that aspartame and diet soda is bad for you then good for you. Personally, i would rather go with the common thread. I KNOW for a fact that water is better for me than diet soda. So I choose it. I choose to use soda (in general) as an occasional treat.
    That's great for you. If you want to make a personal choice of what you will or won't eat then that's your business. But when you state on a public forum that it's bad for you, you need to supply something to back it up. Please do.

    Plenty of people want to get healthy but either give up early on, or never bother, because they have this mindset that the only way to be healthy is to give up all the stuff that's bad for them, which tends to coincide with many of the things they like. Telling people diet soda is bad for them, when it isn't true, is just sabotaging other peoples' chances to get healthy.
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    Ive never really had a problem with soda.

    I cut it out a several years ago, mostly to cut caffeine out of my diet. Back then I was drinking 2 liters of Mountain Dew every day at work.

    These days I might have a diet soda now and then, but it doesnt trigger any cravings or anything like that.