"Pefect" weight for everyone?

Who believes that everyone has a "perfect" weight for themselves? I didn't, but I'm starting too.

I've lost 99 lbs and I'm down to 145. My ultimate goal is to be at 135. The problem is, I hit 145 in August and the scale hasn't budged since! I work out 3-5 days a week and eat roughly 1500 calories a day. (I've done this for the past 18 months).

I always compare myself to my junior and senior years in high school where I felt I was most healthy. I was captain of the girls' soccer team and ran at least 5 miles every day. I was a pretty healthy eater. However, I never got below 140lbs and still wore a size 10 then. Maybe 140 is the "perfect" weight for my body? It's not like I'm tall, I'm only 5'4". It's just starting to get annoying..


  • phildawson75
    phildawson75 Posts: 205 Member
    I'd say for the majority of people its just a range than a specific number. BMI gives a rough range to get into between 20 and 24 is healthy.
    I'm 5.7 so:
    20 BMI = 128 lbs lowest
    22 BMI = 140 lbs mid
    24 BMI = 153 lbs highest

    Anywhere between those 25lbs depending on body composition.

    I think the key thing then is how good you look in the mirror rather than the number on the scales. Anyone can choose a weight but its really what BF% and muscle that changes their appearance.
  • misssmarita
    I do agree with the fact that you need to stay within a healthy BMI, but your weight loss is probably at a stand still because your body adjusted to the challanges you are putting it through (your exercise regime). You COULD get down to 135 lbs if you tweeked your eating or exercise, but if you feel happy and healthy at 145 lbs, and you're making progress/maintaining the progress you've made in your fitness (resting heart rate, how fast you can run, how much you can lift, etc.), then I say just keep on doing what you're doing.