I'm Scared



  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It's the typical problem: You're undereating. Big time. You're a grown man. Eat like one.

    ETA: I see that the replies are also the typical replies - blanket advice without any context.

    Taso, did you notice that he has 300+ pounds to lose? Cut him a break, 1800 a day is totally reasonable for him. Context.

    To the OP - it is completely normal to have weeks where you lose nothing. It will start up again - just keep doing what you are doing. None of us has a straight-downward-line of weight loss. There are always times where it slows, then starts back up again. Do not give up! You've done a great job - keep it going.

    The only way you fail is if you quit!

    If his diary is accurate, there was one day in the last 2 months (yesterday I think) that was 1,599. The rest of the days fluctuate between a couple hundred and 1100 cals total.
  • skinnydavid7
    skinnydavid7 Posts: 29 Member
    Be concerned but not scared. Some times the body simply needs to adjust. Try a week or so to keep up the moderate exersize and just eat what you think you need to "maintain". Then after your body "adjusts" start up the dieting again. Also there are some studies, which frankly I question but that may have bering. They are saying that those that excersize more than half hour don't lose as much as those that are consistent with half hour. Another trick I used in my early 50's was to split my exersize into two completely different segments each day. I still try to do that. It seems to help the metabolism to stay up. I try to do my walking or aerobic workout for 30-40 minutes early in the day, and then at least an hour but preferably several hours later do strentgh training for at least half hour.

    Bottom line... You CAN do it. You got 35. If you can get 35 you can get more. Dunno what your need or goal is but you CAN do it! :smile: :happy:
  • cailinlowe
    cailinlowe Posts: 161 Member
    i hit a plateau for the last month and realized i was under-eating.. i upped my calorie intake and have started dropping weight again fast.. its kind of weird to think about eating more to lose weight, but its so true.. try it!
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    plateau's are normal keep at it be diligent and it will start coming off again. Don't reduce your calories any more. Try adding a couple of tbls of apple cider vinegar to your diet daily.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Taso, did you notice that he has 300+ pounds to lose? Cut him a break, 1800 a day is totally reasonable for him. Context.

    1800 is pretty reasonable. Dude eats 380-1150 regularly. He hit 1600 one time in the last couple of weeks. Yes, context.
  • dansls1
    dansls1 Posts: 309 Member
    There's days where you obviously didn't log everything, I wonder how well you are actually logging? Also get some exercise! Sure you can lose it eating better - but getting out and moving some will make it that much faster!
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    It's the typical problem: You're undereating. Big time. You're a grown man. Eat like one.

    ETA: I see that the replies are also the typical replies - blanket advice without any context.

    ^^This, I see you need to lose over 300lbs and yet you are set to 1800 calories a day? noway is that enough for someone who starts at 450+, you have been doing well but It might be time to start at square one. let MFP set up a normal calorie deficit for you for 2lbs a week and go from there, eat back some of your exercise calories and eat lean proteins. You will lose.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    I agree with Morebean.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I just skimmed through your food log and if you are logging correctly then I'm surprised you're not losing all your hair and so weak you can barely walk.

    Dude, I'm only 5' tall, female, and I'm eating more than you(and losing weight0. EAT MOAR FOOD.

    IMO, you need to lay off the processed stuff like white breads and lunch meats. Pump up your protein (a LOT) and even increase your carbs a bit. There are days where you aren't even hitting 50 carbs. Give your brain and you body some fuel. EAT FOOD. Healthy leafy green food with yummy lean proteins and healthy fats on it. Don't like salads, fine (I don't care much for them) then incorporate tons of veggies in your everyday foods and add yummy lean proteins and healthy fats to them.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    You guys are quick! :laugh: I still think at his weight, undereating is not that big a deal. Losing the weight is a matter of life or death. Even 1000 calories at his weight would be okay on occasion. I'm not willing to crucify him for it - you go right ahead, though.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    Dude... if your diary is accurate, you're just not eating enough. I'm a 40 year old woman, I weight less than 1/2 what you do, and I still eat a lot more than you. If you don't fuel your body, it will want to hold on to what it's got.

    Your daily calories goal is something you should try to reach, every day. You don't need to eat way under it - MFP has already calculated a deficit for you.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Taso, did you notice that he has 300+ pounds to lose? Cut him a break, 1800 a day is totally reasonable for him. Evn down to 1500 would be okay if he's careful about nutrition.

    Did YOU notice that lots of days he's only eating between 800 and 1200 calories? Either he's not logging it all or he's starving himself.

    OP, I sure don't want to crucify you. I want you to be healthy and live to enjoy the skinny life. Seriously. Do some research and follow the steps. Less is NOT always more.
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    You guys are quick! :laugh: I still think at his weight, undereating is not that big a deal. Losing the weight is a matter of life or death. Even 1000 calories at his weight would be okay on occasion. I'm not willing to crucify him for it - you go right ahead, though.

    The goal is to lose fat and keep as much LEAN body mass as possible. Anyone can lose "weight" starving themselves. He needs to eat more period.

    Dude you've hit a plateau...change some stuff up...eat more go hard.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    eat your calories.

    the temptation to starve yourself to lose the weight as quickly as possible is very strong, but you're not doing yourself any long term favors that way. it's a rookie mistake.

    don't rush it. you didn't put that weight on overnight, you won't take it off overnight.

    occasional days of very low calories won't hurt you per se, but doing it regularly over a period of weeks or months has some negative consequences.

    at your weight, your body needs alot of calories.

    eat at your calorie goal and you'll still be dropping weight at a good pace.

    however, you'll feel much better if you eat your calories.

    here's another tip, and this one will save you alot of grief later. meet your protein goal every day and start strength training. even if you don't do it to build muscle, this will help preserve what muscle you have, so that when you've lost your 300 lbs, you won't have nearly as much of a struggle putting back muscle that was catabolized during your fat loss period.

    there's a smart way to do this. do yourself a favor and learn that way now. you'll thank me 2 years from now.

    good luck. you can do it!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    You guys are quick! :laugh: I still think at his weight, undereating is not that big a deal. Losing the weight is a matter of life or death. Even 1000 calories at his weight would be okay on occasion. I'm not willing to crucify him for it - you go right ahead, though.

    Still agree with what you're saying, but the guy is not doing it. 1000 calories WOULD be ok on occasion, but AVERAGING 1000 or less is not ok. Did you flip through the food diary?
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I was 370 when I started on mfp last Jan, i was set to 2lbs a week then and my daily calories were 2500+ so I know MFP did not you up at 1800. Good luck to you though.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    OP I'm going to go against the grain a bit and suggest that you setup an appointment with a dietitian who will help you setup an appropriate mealplan. You've been inconsistent with your intake and seem to be experimenting a lot, and I think someone who can sit down and setup a custom nutrition plan for your needs would be the best course of action to take especially given how much weight you have to lose.

    You've got a long road ahead of you, so work on trying to be consistent and patient as much as possible.

    Good luck to you!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    You guys are quick! :laugh: I still think at his weight, undereating is not that big a deal. Losing the weight is a matter of life or death. Even 1000 calories at his weight would be okay on occasion. I'm not willing to crucify him for it - you go right ahead, though.

    Still agree with what you're saying, but the guy is not doing it. 1000 calories WOULD be ok on occasion, but AVERAGING 1000 or less is not ok. Did you flip through the food diary?

    I did. I also noticed that he isn't logging workouts - even though he says he's been killing it with workouts.

    Do you know for a fact that his logging is accurate? No. I gave a general argument to your dismissive post about context. You didn't use all the context, either.

    A 400+ pound man is going to die if he doesn't lose the weight. Many of the XXL men here lost weight around 1200 cals a day with exercise. The people replying here who are 170 pound women are not in the same sinking ship as this guy.

    Maybe he needs to more accurtely log his food. He definitely needs better food choices. But don't dismiss his efforts.
  • fiferize
    fiferize Posts: 141
    im scared too my friend.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    You guys KNOW I'm in the Eat More camp. Criminy, I say that 50 times a day.....but this is different! I say that to 200 pound men.