6 months without much results



  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    try eating your BMR, working out like hell, and eating 100% back those calories ?

    Also drink half your weight in water and up your fiber.
  • jehavin
    jehavin Posts: 316 Member
    Do you monitor your heartrate during your 30 min of cardio? Otherwise, you might not be reaching a high enough level to be getting the benefits of that time you put in. Like another poster said, are you upping your weights and varying the muscle groups or just doing the same 2 sets of 15lb bicep curls for 6 months?

    Our bodies are really good at getting "adapted" to what we do over and over again. Try switching up your activity by incorporating sprints, adding different resistance exercises, switching to smaller/larger meals (the opposite of whatever you're doing now,) or even just getting more sleep. I saw a list somewhere of 6 Techniques to Try When You Plateau and they all involved doing something different from what your body has been expecting.

    How about measurements? Did you have them done when you first started? If not, now is a great time to get them done by someone at your gym and then see how much you change every month---sometimes the scale doesn't tell you that you've lost 2 inches off your waist or thighs. That might help reassure you of your success/progress instead of focusing on the weight part.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I've learned a couple of things about the causes of obesity over the last few months, and if there is nothing else medically wrong with you, check to see if any of these may be the case:

    1. Eating a combo of refined grains, sugar and polyunsaturated fats will cause the body to create and hold onto fat stores at a rapid pace. Try replacing vegetable oils and fats with saturated (butter, cream, coconut oil) and monounsaturated fats (Olive oil, avocado). Try to keep sugar consumption to a minimum. Sugar from fresh fruits and veggies is fine, it the added sugars that will derail your weight loss efforts. Limit grains to whole grain sources as much as possible. Pasta, baked goods, cereal, and crackers turn into instant fat. Eat from whole grain sources only.

    2. You could be malnourished or overnourished. If you take a lot of vitamins, drink energy drinks or eat enriched foods you could be perpetuating an inflammation cycle as the body tries to eliminate the extra nutrients. Eating food is the best way to get your nourishment. Just remember, we can poison ourselves to death with water, so even the "safest" vitamins can become toxic when layered on top of actual food as well as fortified foods in our diets. If you take vitamins, try skipping them for a while and see if that doesn't make a difference.

    3. If you don't take vitamins, you could also be malnourished. Most Americans don't get enough magnesium, potassium, iodine or vitamin d. Watch your nutrient levels while logging here and see if you may be missing something in your diet. The standard American Diet is filled with calorie rich foods that lack nutrients. This causes the body to hang onto fat and makes weight loss hard. We also don't eat nearly enough healthy saturated fats, which is used in every cell in the body. Try to get 50% of your fat consumption from healthy saturated fats, like from lean meats, dairy products, and coconut oil.