Bummed out :(



  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I was first diagnosed with degenerative disks over a decade ago. One was pretty clearly bulging, even with the Xray. Just getting stronger has helped immensely. I have a cousin the same age who has been through surgery twice. Even now that I am waaayyyy over weight again, my muscles have been keeping me safe. I just have to get back down again before I jinx that.

    I have thrown my back out with water aerobics, I have aggravated it with walking, with spending too much time in bed, too much time in the car...I know what it is like. I have struggled to walk across a parking lot without collapsing. I have had times when I couldn't drive because I couldn't lift my right foot enough.

    Are you in physical therapy? If you are doing therapeutic exercises everyday, you are doing something. Add on five minutes of marching in place.

    Look for no (not low) impact activities to get started. I sometimes take regular classes, but I do not hop, I do not jump - one foot on the ground at all times. A good instructor can help you figure put good substitutions - crunches instead of sit ups - and will warn you not to try things that might strain your back. Get in a pool. I recommend deep water aerobics (don't worry, you get a floaty!) over regular water aerobics. If you do take regular water aerobics, don't jump at first, don't take long strides and be mindful when twisting.

    Now I take dance classes, but I can't take class for certain styles. Six count swing is real easy to learn and low impact, but you keep rocking back on the same foot, putting too much strain on one side. I love collegiate shag, but an hour of that foot work is impossible for me, same with Charleston. I am at the highest class level of lindy hop, but if the teachers try to throw in any actual hopping, I ignore them. I have a couple of really fun leads that we look like a comedy team with them jumping around while I basically tap my feet in the stereotype of the fat, older woman that I am. But that isn't why I am not jumping around.
  • Deebug60
    Deebug60 Posts: 62 Member
    Setting smaller goals is the way to do it. There was a time when I could not walk up a half a flight of stairs without getting dizzy, now I'm able to go hiking. Just keep at it. I know you can make it happen. :wink:
  • grinner30
    grinner30 Posts: 122 Member
    Change your sticker options to show "pounds lost" instead of "how much to go". Let's face it, we doing this ONE POUND AT A TIME, so why not show that side of the coin?

    I find it more motivating to see the number increase with my efforts and I also set my goal weight higher than my ultimate goal(130) because the big picture is too overwhelming right now. I'll adjust the goal when I get closer to the one I now have(180).

    You are doing great! We started at the same time, both fighting back issues, and you're dropping faster than I am.

    I say the glass is HALF FULL .... so go change that ticker and pat yourself on the back!
