"Real" Foods - Educate yourself and Eat Smart.



  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I'm firmly in the real foods camp, tho not primarily for weight management but for health. I've been long term sick before, partly due to dodgy lifestyle choices, seen enough people through work (lifestyle healthcare) who have done likewise and read enough eye opening studies to be persuaded. Having said that I don't think perfection is required.

    i don't like hi-jacking of terms.

    real food. clean food. organic food.

    food is real if you can digest it.
    food is clean if you wash it.
    food is organic if it was once alive, or if it's derived from something that was once alive.

    some people use these terms to justify their food snobbery. i would prefer they just be honest with their terms instead of trying to hi-jack the meanings of already existing terms.

    snob food.

    that makes more sense to me and i would have no problem with that term. :wink:

    You omitted plant-based, paleo, primal, cleanse and detox.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    i eat a lot of processed foods and it seems to work for me.

    i don't doubt what you're doing works for you, but it's not the processed food that is the culprit... it's your unbalanced energy equation.

    if your calorie intake is greater than your calorie output, you'll gain weight.

    for 99% of us, it really is that simple.


    Best gif ever! Also I agree with these things.

    Edit: Agree with this post, not with the OP. Lol I ate Little Ceasar's Hot N' Ready for lunch. I mean...totally natural. Grew on the pizza tree they keep out back. Legit.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How do you try to eat more "real" foods?

    I'm a IIFYM kinda gal too but I understand the importance of moderation in everything (as correct IIFYM usage does as well). I get more "real" foods (not a fan of that nomenclature) through a volunteer run fresh fruits and vegetables distribution co-op. For $16.50, it get a large laundry basket of fresh produce. It's awesome. If it is available in your area, I'd check it out (it's called Bountiful Baskets).

    That being said, today I'm working out more and curbing my daytime eating so that I can have 2-3 slices of Papa Murphy's cheese pizza tonight, maybe even a beer. Go food! The "good" and the "bad".

    I know this makes me look stupid.. but what is IIFYM?? Sorry.. not good with anagrams or whatever you call them.. LOL...

    By the way.. we have a fruit/veggie coop that is Awesome also!!!! LOVE IT!!!! $23.50 for a huge reusable IKEA bag full. They say its enough to feed a family of 4 for 2 weeks.Ours is called Community Helpings and it is in the ST Louis, South/Central Illinois area.

  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    How do you try to eat more "real" foods?

    Welcome to the MFP community forums! I hope the responses to your well-intentioned first post won't scare you away. :smile:

    Here's what I do! I make almost everything homemade, from bread to soup to marinara sauce. I eat lots of fruit. I could do better on vegetables, but when all is said and done, I probably have about 6-7 combined fruit & vegetable servings each day.

    My daily goal calorie goal is (and was while I was still working on weight loss) MUCH higher than 1200. So instead of carrots or an apple, I snack on cheese, guacamole with whole grain tortilla chips, popcorn with butter, etc). I still drink wine and eat baked goods. Bacon is on the menu. And, if I want a couple donuts for breakfast once in a while, I do it.

    In the end, I get the nutrients I need and the indulgences I want - all within my calorie/macro goal. It makes me happy/satisfied, and for the last 8 months since I hit my goal weight, it's been easily sustainable.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    So let's summarize what the OP has learned:

    1. Coming into the forum with your very first post ever being a composite of snobbery, self righteousness and condescension does not win you very many friends.
    2. If you're going to suggest people "get educated" it's probably a good idea for you to make sure you're well educated in your chosen topic first.
    3. If you're going to make a statement that this way or this method is the *only* method that works (i.e. speaking in absolutes) you better make sure that there are no exceptions. Just one exception makes you're claim false. Beside me and my wife it appears there are many on this thread who've been exceptions to the "real food only" rule as well.

    Did I miss anything?
  • krickeyuu
    krickeyuu Posts: 344 Member
    I think I am on the fence with this one. I definitely agree with IIFYM, nothing is off limits for me food wise, but...I got fat, high blood pressure and aggriveated heartburn/IBS eating a lot of processed food. After joining MFP and reducing the amount of processed food in my diet I have lost weight, gotten off my HBP meds and my heartburn is gone/IBS symptoms greatly ameliorated. I fully realize that the weight loss is directly related to calories in<calories out, however, for me eating less processed foods alllowed me to eat more calories and feel fuller, longer than eating "junk" which I think kept me at it and made me successful in the long run. I still eat "junk" on occasion but it is the exception now rather than the rule. Just my experience-your mileage may vary.
  • I'm all about real food as well. I've been whole foods for a few years now and I feel fantastic. Like the person above me mentioned. I've had IBS my whole life and ever since I gave up processed foods and have been eating more whole nature foods, I haven't had a problem. Not to mention fake sodium-filled processed foods make me feel like crap and very sluggish if I eat it.