cheat day calories

first do you do cheat days and if so do you eat up to your maintaine callorie needs or just a few 100 over your avarage
i feel like a pig when i eat 1600 or 1700 c on my days off work my avarage is around 1400 on days i do


  • lanapoo
    lanapoo Posts: 57
    I don't do cheat days. I only do "cheat" meals to satisfy my cravings as long as it stays under my calories. I find that if you have cheat days, it'd encourage you to cheat some more and then give up the motivation to continue what you've been working on.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    IIFYM = you never have to cheat ;-)
    But on occasions I just don't log things, Like if I go out for some drinks I just skip logging it.
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    you only eat 1400 a day on average maybe you are set too low I do not think 1400 is enough I eat 1700 a day and in 3 weeks have lost 7 lbs
  • goodarzi
    goodarzi Posts: 15 Member
    I'm sure on the days that I indulge is a meal, I go way over my allowance. However, I do not log on those days. For me, I like to take a break from measuring, & logging every single day and that's part of the "cheat". I usually take one day a week off.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    I try not to do cheat DAYS and rather I do cheat MEALS. But I try to be REALLY stringent with the other meals that day so I still stay under my daily calories. But I think you could eat up to maintenance calories once in awhile and not cause too much trouble. I wouldn't go over that though.
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    I don't have regularly scheduled cheat days. I used to... every Saturday was cheat day and it got to a point where Saturday rolled around and I actually didn't feel like eating anything out of the ordinary. Now, I just try to be flexible and give myself days "off" from my limit for special occasions, like Christmas, or big dinners with friends. Over Christmas I was at around 3000 calories three days in a row - my normal limit is about 1350. I gained a bunch of water weight but a week later I was back to what I weighed before Christmas, no harm done. In a couple weeks about 50 classmates or so are going to a Chinese buffet, and I'm not going to sweat it if I hit 3000 cals again. I do always log everything I can though.
  • garystidham1
    garystidham1 Posts: 30 Member
    ok i dont know if i would call my days off cheet days yes i will eat up to 1900c but it is in extra fruit and vehetables that i snack on
    not like i am eating a bunch of crap
  • I, too, usually only do a cheat meal, but I still try to stay at or below my calories. We usually go out one saturday a month or so, that's when I eat (mostly drink) whatever I want. I still log it, but I get what I want.
  • Ditto. Cheat days lead to more cheat days. Pick a meal to reward yourself if you have to make your reward food. Once you log it in your food log you own it so whatever you do, don't feel guilty about doing it, just make up for it with good choices.
  • sharimwilliamson
    sharimwilliamson Posts: 6 Member
    first do you do cheat days and if so do you eat up to your maintaine callorie needs or just a few 100 over your avarage
    i feel like a pig when i eat 1600 or 1700 c on my days off work my avarage is around 1400 on days i do

    Isn't it funny how our definition of pigging out has changed. What I consider pigging out now,I would have considered a great day at one time.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I've never needed to cheat. I eat whatever I want anyway so it's not like I'm getting a special reward when I have a treat. I just keep it in my calories. I don't log on major holidays - too lazy to guesstimate all the things other people have prepared...I think cheating is a state of mind. Some people need to feel naughty now and then...and I'm not one of them.