evil midnight snack....



    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    I was getting those late night sugar cravings all the time!!! Since I've started MFP, I haven't had them nearly as bad!!! I don't know exactly what it is, but I've started increasing my carbs, a bit. I'm still under on them, but I've heard that if you don't get enough during the day, that your brain will make you crave something sweet to get the carbs it needs. I've also stopped eating all those "low cal" desserts, like the weight watchers snacks, and other stuff. Everytime I eat chocolate, or sweet stuff, it makes me want more and more. If I want it, I'll eat it during the day, but at night it seems to perpetuate itself, and I can't stop eating the stuff! Make sure you're eating most of your calories for the day, even the ones you're working off. If I still get a craving for something sweet at night, I'll have some sort of fruit. Hope this helps!!!
  • romyd84
    romyd84 Posts: 43 Member

  • romyd84
    romyd84 Posts: 43 Member

    LOL i love it! that made my morning:)
  • romyd84
    romyd84 Posts: 43 Member
    I was getting those late night sugar cravings all the time!!! Since I've started MFP, I haven't had them nearly as bad!!! I don't know exactly what it is, but I've started increasing my carbs, a bit. I'm still under on them, but I've heard that if you don't get enough during the day, that your brain will make you crave something sweet to get the carbs it needs. I've also stopped eating all those "low cal" desserts, like the weight watchers snacks, and other stuff. Everytime I eat chocolate, or sweet stuff, it makes me want more and more. If I want it, I'll eat it during the day, but at night it seems to perpetuate itself, and I can't stop eating the stuff! Make sure you're eating most of your calories for the day, even the ones you're working off. If I still get a craving for something sweet at night, I'll have some sort of fruit. Hope this helps!!!

    yes it makes sense...i dont get those cravings as bad as before anymore..thank god.
    Thank y'all for helping me last night:) I went to bed with my waterbottle(and husband haha) and was perfectly fine:) woke up sick today though!

    y'all have a great day!!
  • darisey
    darisey Posts: 228 Member
    If it's after midnight somewhere in the world it's tomorrow so feed the need and log it for Saturday.

    That's what I do. I log my snacks in the next day's food diary if it puts me over so I know I need to eat a little less to balance it out. If it's big like more than 200 calories, I just divide the overage up and quick add them to the next few days.

    When I get sugar cravings, I like to have a piece of dried fruit or a banana or even a rice cake spread with peanut butter and a bit of cinnamon on top will kill the sugar cravings and fill me up enough to go back to sleep. 24 chocolate chips is like 70 calories and eaten slowly, one at a time, that will kill the chocolate craving but make sure you portion them out and put the rest away before you start eating so you don't sit and eat the whole bag (like me) lol. And water. Lots and lots of water :)