HELP! Don't eat enough, won't lose.



  • brownshuga30
    brownshuga30 Posts: 106 Member
    I feel the same way to since eating too much is what caused my weight gain. I've read that you should not eat less than 1200 calories or else your body goes into "starvation" mode and that may the reason you're not losing weight. Seems that your body is holding on to the few calories you are eating instead of burning them.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Thanks Joylia! I definitely agree with you, I need to be better educated. I'll read the articles you suggested. I feel much better and truly appreciate everyone taking the time to post, it's been very helpful.
    CONGRATULATIONS on being one of the few who will actually take the initiative to educate yourself and optimize your results, rather than being one of the many 'blind' ones who ignore all suggestions because they're convinced that if they're not starving all day every day, they're not losing weight.

    You've gotten a lot of good suggestions in this thread. You'll lose weight easier, preserve more lean body mass and overall be happier (and less hungry!) by eating at the appropriate level for your body. Even better yet, you won't be one of the people who are back in 3 weeks posting a "Whyyyyyy aren't I looooooosinggggggg? HELP!!1!!!1!" thread because you created a plateau/stall by throwing your metabolism/hormones out of whack. Good luck and stick to it, you can do this!
  • Melarie59
  • AliciaStinger
    AliciaStinger Posts: 402 Member
    On the community page, there's a search feature. Look for "1200, and why it won't work." When I started losing weight, I started at 1200 - but now I'm not losing any more, and I can't cut any calories or I'll be starving myself -- and I'm already hungry at 1200 calories. Read that post that I told you to search, and the "in place of a road map" link that someone else posted.