feeling desperatly *Lonely*? advice please

as of lately... actually as of a long time I have been feeling really lonely. I have been single for a while and it's just becoming so routine... no excitment... no nothing.
I'm 25... at the prime in my life and I feel like I keep wishing my life away.
I work... workout and work.

I wish I had a secret admirer who wasn't quite so secret.
I've gotten to the point that I just want some sort of attention ... :( I sound like a fool. I've just never really been around people who said good things about... my family HA. I feel almost so lonely that I'm scared I'll get so attached to a guy.
I feel like I have soo much love to give and I just want to feel it in return.

People tell me I'm beautiful and that they can't believe I'm single etc. Men will stare at me but no one ever approaches me.
I've heard the prettiest girls have the worst insecurities

Like a lot of other people they wonder when their time will be.......
Might be a pity party but I am f*cking lonely. I don't have exes lingering around... I'm not the type to be sleeping around... I believe I am emotionally available.
I'm not going to say "where are all the good guys" or "where's the guy for me?" just nothing is changing...... I'm just sick of it. I want someone to miss me.. someone afraid to lose me.

I don't know what to change


  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I don't have any good advice on how to change this. Just want to say that I think it's okay to feel lonely. It's okay to want attention. To be missed. We are human. You're not a freak for it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Have you tried getting involved in some kind of group or class related to your hobbies? I'm an artist, so if I were wanting to meet some new people I might go to a painting class.

    Also maybe it's time for you to approach someone and strike up a conversation or ask them out?
  • Jonesingmucho
    Jonesingmucho Posts: 4,902 Member
    I agree with Angel. It is time to approach guys. You don't need to be lonely.
    I read similiar posts from guys, and I'm like please people just talk to each other!
    Talk to a hundred guys! And don't expect to find your soulmate in the first guy you talk to. That puts too much pressure on both of you. Just chat and small talk and bring him a gatorade at the gym. Make eye contact and smile. Be yourself but confident.

    Will you get shot down? Sometimes, but there are also a million super guys just waiting for someone to talk to and hang with. You have absolutely nothing to lose except feeling lonely! You are 25. Let me tell you 35 comes fast. Don't waste even one more second. Go to the grocery store right now for eggs and make it a point to smile at 3 guys and say hi to at least one! Stop and get gas and say hi to one guy there.