700cals under and Gained 2lbs!

elf1590 Posts: 28
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
How is it possible that i was 700 calories under my goal, walked for over an hour, and coached for 3 hours...and I gained 2 pounds?


  • how often do you go under your calories??
  • sshultz
    sshultz Posts: 27 Member
    Not eating enough and probably water retention. Did you make sure to get enough water?
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    You HAVE to eat your calories. I usually try to stay within 200-300 under at the least. I went through a period where I was coming in under by 600 or more and just stopped losing. Once I started eating more, the pounds melted off. It doesn't seem logical, but you have to eat.
  • kltobin2010
    kltobin2010 Posts: 80 Member
    What is your daily cal intake? Maybe you didn't eat enough and when you do that, your body thinks its starving and will hold on to any extra weight it can. Food fuels the body and gives it the energy it needs to burn cals.
  • milesje
    milesje Posts: 40 Member
    Not eating enough can be just as bad as eating too much. You need to eat so that your body will keep its motabolism up.
  • jrr7
    jrr7 Posts: 12 Member
    If you aren't used to that much physical activity, your muscles will swell some and cause you to retain water. This will make you weigh a little more. You also didn't mention over what period of time this was. If this was just one day, I wouldn't worry about it, our bodies flucuate a couple of pounds from one day to another, you really shouldn't weigh yourself more thann once a week and try to make it the same day and time each week to get the most accurate results. Even better is to take measurement every couple of weeks, that will really show your results even better than weight because you may be gaining muscle which weighs more than fat, but still be getting smaller. That is usually the true goal, to get smaller, weight is just one meaurement. You also don't want to go too far under your calorie goal or that will backfire. If you aren't getting enough calories, your body will go into starvation mode and actually cause you to retain your fat as a survival mechanism. If you were 700 calories under for one day, that is WAY too low. You should really never go much more than about 200 calories under and that shouldn't be an everyday thing. I find I lose the most weight if i stay pretty close to my calorie goal and maybe only vary it between a little below one day and a little over the next. Hope this helps and good luck!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Could it be PMS? I always gain a few pounds the week before my TOM. The other thing that causes weight gain is too much sodium in my diet and not enough water. I agree that you should eat more but maybe there are water weight issues at work here. Also, are your work-outs causing sore muscles? Sore muscles can retain water as well. It's a protection mechanism in the body. Try eating the cals you're supposed to and drink lots of water. If your muscles are sore, try taking a day or two break in your exercise routine. Most of all, don't give up. The weight doesn't come on right away and it's not going to go off right away.
  • nimiry
    nimiry Posts: 20
    well I asume that it's only because you're here since 3 or 4 day if I see that right?! well don't worry- you lost enough for such a short period of time!! =) and you really shouldn't weigh in every day.... maybe it's a female thing you have.... I always gain at least 2 pounds before my period.... keep it up and you will lose weight- =D
  • elf1590
    elf1590 Posts: 28
    Thanks so much for all the input! I'd been doing aerobics twice a week for about an hour, but after walking and coaching I did get a bit sore. And I guess I didn't realize how important getting those 8 glasses a water in a day really was! And I am new to this whole weight loss thing and there is a lot for me to learn! Every comment was helpful!
  • ruby1025
    ruby1025 Posts: 7
    This is more like what the others said, but when I belonged to Nutrasystem for 3 months, I would consume 1000 calories of my 1200 required. I wouldn't lose weight, but would tone muscle like crazy. I didn't gain though. But they did stress that I need to eat my 1200 or my metabolism will not adjust and I won't lose. Point to Ponder. Good luck.
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