Ladies Help TOM is here & I need some tips



  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Not a lady, but... Why not just weigh yourself anyways? I know you say it will be a little higher than normal, but the key is to keep focused on what your goals are, not an arbitrary number in time. If it's high... so be it. Keep track of what you eat, try and stay sensible, and focus towards the end goals you set for yourself.

    Best of luck.

    That's brilliant and so logical! Sadly, many of us tend to get a slight wee bit irrational on those days, lol. I know, shocker, hee hee. But the man makes sense. Listen to sense.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I say keep exercising be ause it does make you feel better. Log extra treats, Tom is when you need them because you are using a few more calories at this time. Think about how thin you'll feel at the end of Tom, when I think like this I tend to ignore my cravings better.
  • terijoestoes
    terijoestoes Posts: 205 Member
    You might want to put your diary on open. The friends on here have really good advice
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    It's good to weigh yourself anyway and know how much you do gain. It will be 2-5 pounds, probably. But it's a good idea to become familiar with what your body does. Just do it, notice it, don't worry about it. Next month, do it again. Notice if it's similar to this time. You'll most likely gain about the same amount each month. As you get familiar with that, it will just seem normal and natural and it won't bother you. And that way also, you'll be more alert and aware if something is ever 'off' or unusual. Just get to know your body.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I was a 7-10 dayer but 60lbs later I'm a 4-5 dayer. I push through on the exercise front cause it makes me feel better, but I eat like crap for those few days.
  • Mslibb
    Mslibb Posts: 69 Member
    If you don't want to weigh yourself, don't do it. I know I hate seeing that number go up and at TOM it can be a real kick in the pants!

    And yep, I too am an absolute bottomless pit when this time hits - have just gone through it, and not altogether successfully, I must admit. However, my plan for next month is going to be to work out like a fiend, so I can earn a butt-load of calories to feed the hormonal beast within :happy:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member

    I'm not a big fan of Greek Yogurt but can probably tolerate the flavored ones not the plain.. you mentioning flax seeds reminds that someone mentioned chia seeds apparently they are really filling.. I want to look into both of them! Thanks!

    People flock to the greek yogurt mostly because it has a higher protein content compared to other yogurts. You can get this from other sources if you don't like Greek Yogurt. I don't like most of them but then I tried Yoplait's Honey Vanilla Greek Yogurt. I'm addicted to that one. To me it has a smoother texture similar to the other regular Yoplait ones I grew up on.

    Although it isn't necessarily a healthy food, sometimes I resort to popcorn when I just have a serious case of the munchies and then I force myself to eat it one kernel at a time.

    I also never liked dark chocolate until I tried Hershey Bliss Dark Chocolate and now I also like the Dove Dark Chocolate. Both of them are 70%. I can't seem to go higher. I limit myself to 1-4 pieces. I tell myself I can't go past 4. I'm not allowed. Most of the time I limit it to 1-2 pieces. I need less of it than I do the milk chocolate variety.

    I watch my weight go up. I kinda find it fascinating. I like to see how high it is going to go and then watch it come crashing down. Then I look and see how many days did it take to do that. I know--I'm a bit kooky with it. If this is not you, skip the scale.

    Chew gum.
    Drink water.
    Do some other activity.

    Make sure you aren't under eating.
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member

    Clearly you are a male and unfamiliar with the precarious emotional state that can accompany TOM and the devastating effects of even a small gain on said emotional state! :)

    Just do your best- it will pass.

    ^^ and this is why I have been thinking I won't weigh myself this upcoming week (my TOM). I was actually wondering if many people do.. and I get some serious cravings too. Salty, I need sweet, omg salty, I NEED SOMETHING SWEET.
    Its bad..soo I think I'll keep checking in on this post :)
  • RoseDarrett
    RoseDarrett Posts: 355 Member
    It's always a tough time isn't it???Workout wise I just do as much as I can and rest when I need to.If it's too much,I just go for a gentle walk.I admit I eat chocolate.Small amounts of 70% dark chocolate only though.At least even though I'm indulging it's still better than other chocolates.

    I make sure I stay hydrated and I DON'T WEIGH myself.I gain up to or over 5 pounds.Very very depressing on an already fragile state(I get quite hormonal)

    Keep doing well and don't beat yourself up for wanting or eating indulgent foods.Just try not to go overboard :)
  • FauxAngel13
    FauxAngel13 Posts: 156 Member
    Hey girls,

    I've just started this journey on Jan 3.. and so far as of my last weigh in last Sat I was 6 lbs down. I've been weighing myself every Saturday morning after the I use the bathroom. Tomorrow is Saturday but TOM is here today. I've heard that you gain weight during TOM so I wasn't planning on weighing myself this week and just wait til next week.

    My major problem is my appetite.. I have a HUGE appetite during TOM.. feels like I could eat every hour on the hour and still not be full. I always say if it wasn't for TOM I'd think I was pregnant with triplets. In the past Ive always indulged myself and ate when I felt hungry.. but I feel like if I do that for 3-5 days I'm going to gain the 6 lbs I lost back. I'd like the next time I step on the scale to be 4-6 lbs down, but I don't want to spend the next 3-5 days starving myself. Was wondering if anyone else has a similar problem and what do you do to curb your appetite during TOM?

    Thanks in advanced guys!

    I used to have trouble with this, I chose one food I was allowed to binge on, something mostly healthy like a favorite fruit, especially cherries and any time I was desperate to eat I'd eat that.... still go over on the cals but it isnt so unconrolled and I didn't feel so deprived :) hope that helps