MS, loose skin, 90 lbs. gone!

headyo Posts: 11 Member
Hi, everyone!
I am Heady from NC. I have already lost 90 lbs, but I have some more to go. While losing that 90 lbs, I was not working out because I have MS and I thought it would make to too tired. As a result, I have bunches and bunches of loose skin. My belly looks like a half-full bean bag chair and my arms are so flappity! Almost a month ago, I got myself a personal trainer and now I'm working out all the time and loving it! Working out does not make me more tired, it makes me so full of energy! Yay!
I guess I have three questions: 1. Would you consider adding me as a friend? 2. Is there anyone reading this who also has MS? 3. Did anyone have loose skin that they were able to get rid of without surgery? Thanks for reading!
