Friends wanted. :)

Hello fellow MFPers,

After an extremely long hiatus and the mentality that I won't ever need to use MFP again, here I am. lol. I went back to my bad eating habits as soon as I stopped using my MFP food journal and POOF!! I gained back all the weight I originally lost on this site. So here I am feeling more motivated than ever to kick my blubber for good!

Would love some motivating friends, as I lost mine while I took a hiatus from MFP.



  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Hey, we all need motivation. Feel free to add me.
  • I left here too and gained and I'm back now for a 3rd time :-( But I'm more motivated now, so feel free to add me x
  • Feel free to add me :-)
  • Tjade18
    Tjade18 Posts: 19 Member
    add me if you'd like..and anyone else for that matter! as long as you're willing to be supportive, I'll be the same!
  • zumbacyndi
    zumbacyndi Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have been on and off the site for a few months but definitely find more success when I am faithful about logging my food and exercise and have my friends cheering me on!
  • Please add me I have just started on here just over a week ago, I am really motivated to lose this weight that has creeped on over the last few years. I find it really exciting that it is actually working.
  • noely1974
    noely1974 Posts: 45 Member
    I have done exactly the same, once I was happy with my weight I basically got bored of adding food every day and thought I had a good idea how much I was eating without it. Well jump forward two years and I am exactly the same weight as when I started. So now I have a lot of work to do as I am getting married in Dec. this time going for a slower approach but hopefully something I will sustain forever! Good luck !
  • Add me as well, I think having someone else to diet with will be a lot more fun and productive :)
  • rooster5511
    rooster5511 Posts: 2 Member
    You can add me too. My best friend and I used to be on here together motivating one another but she recently became pregnant so no more calorie counting for her. I miss the motivation, it really does help!
  • feel free to add im super motivated to get healthy and stay that way this time I have a long ay o go so anyone wanting to help keep up the motivation plz add
  • wowsrz
    wowsrz Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to add me. We could all use the support and motivation!